Home » today » News » Mozambique, the “Indignados” diaspora movement complains about the absence of Italy and Europe regarding the alleged electoral fraud: “You are only interested in gas”

Mozambique, the “Indignados” diaspora movement complains about the absence of Italy and Europe regarding the alleged electoral fraud: “You are only interested in gas”

ROMA (DIRE Agency) – Human rights and democracy cannot be worth less than natural gas: the “Outraged“, a group born within the diaspora communities of Mozambique which denounces Italy’s lack of attention to the elections contested and tainted in Maputo by “political” assassinations. The complaint is contained in a letter-appeal also shared with the Dire Agency on the eve of a general strike scheduled for today in the southern African country.

The alleged irregularities in the October 9 elections. The protest initiative was based on alleged irregularities that would have affected the elections of 9 October. The thesis of the opponent Venancio Mondlane, a candidate supported by the Podemos party, is that fraud is taking place in the count in favor of Francisco Daniel Chapo, the representative of Frelimo, the group in power since 1975, when Portuguese colonial rule ended.

The killing of Moldane’s lawyer. Tension rose even more after the killing of Elvino Dias, Mondlane’s lawyer, on Friday evening in Maputo. The victim, who was traveling in a car together with another person, a Podemos exponent, who was also killed, was hit by volleys of gunshots.

The Indignados criticize Italy. In the letter, he Outraged denounce: “For some years now we have been witnessing the trips to Mozambique of prominent Italian leaders, such as Matteo Renzi, Luigi Di Maio and most recently Giorgia Meloni; the reason is natural gas, but knowing Italy we believe that he is interested in what is happening in the country, an interest also shown by Europe which sent an observer mission to the last elections”. The diaspora group therefore accuses: “Considering this, the Italian inaction in moments like this appears paradoxical to us.” And again: “We believe that a form of help to our people and to Mozambique in the search for sustainable ways towards the development of democracy is to increase pressure groups so that the Constitution and the laws are respected, but above all that it is the will of the people, independent and sovereign, to guide the destiny of the country”.

Hence the reference to Friday’s ambush. “To confirm all this, two prominent political activists were barbarically murdered” they write Outraged: “Elvino Dias, lawyer of Venancio Mondlane, the favorite candidate supported by Podemos, and Paolo Guambe, professional photographer and electoral manager of the party”. According to the group, “acts like these in a civilized and democratic country like ours are unacceptable.” And again, more generally, on the political and social climate in Mozambique: “On every occasion of peaceful meetings and gatherings the government sends the army which attacks the participants using tear gas and shooting bullets and killing demonstrators”. Finally the appeal: “The time has come for Italy, Europe and the international community to be aware of these facts and take a clear position”.

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