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Moyeuvre-Grande. Justice appoints a provisional administrator to manage the Pierre-Mendès-France nursing home

There is one point on which everyone agreed: the need to appoint an ad hoc administrator to urgently manage the Pierre-Mendès-France nursing home in Moyeuvre-Grande. In this sense, the municipality of Moyeuvre-Grande, complainant in this case, and the Association for the management of animation of the Home for dependent elderly people (Agamapad) can be satisfied.

In its recently rendered decision, the Thionville judicial court, through its summary judge, agreed in the same direction by appointing a provisional administrator of the association for a period of one year. The latter “will be responsible for managing and administering Agamapad, in particular to convene an ordinary general meeting for the approval of the accounts for the year 2019”.

Elected for three years

What it would be, everyone will agree, high time to do! Yes, but there you go. Since the last municipal elections, things have turned sour in the so far so peaceful town of the Orne valley. The historic mayor, René Drouin, having, as we know, left the town hall, replaced by his then runner-up, Franck Roviero, transformed into the worst enemy by the vagaries of the political kitchen. And things turned from bad to worse. The municipality of today also contesting the former mayor this presidency, just as historic, of the nursing home of the municipality. The reason can be summed up as follows: seats on the board of directors of Agamapad being reserved for elected officials of the city, we logically lose the occupation when no longer wearing the tricolor scarf. Which is the case with René Drouin. On April 20, before the bar of the Thionville court, the latter was then defended by his lawyer with a massive argument: his appointment for three years, by the last committee elections, in 2019!

For appeasement

A puzzle for which the summary judge did not get wet, however. The magistrate’s preamble is clear on this challenge from the plaintiff. “The interpretation of the statutes of the association exceeds the powers of the judge […] There is therefore no need to refer on the quality of chairman… ”A question that will therefore be up to the administrator to decide in the coming weeks, if, however, a new board of directors is appointed during a meeting. next general assembly that remains to be convened. For the time being, René Drouin will therefore remain president. The latter specified, this Wednesday, “to be for appeasement and against the climate of quarrel which has developed. This is in the interest of this association that I founded ”.

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