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Moving to Austria – what should be considered?

In 2019, around 270,000 Germans left their home country. Most of them chose Switzerland as their new home. The USA is in second place, followed by Austria. At least 10,000 German citizens have decided to move their center of life to the small Alpine republic. Whether it is a new job offer or a new love that is the cause of the relocation plans – the reasons can be very diverse. The fact that there is no language barrier to overcome and that there are no serious cultural differences proves to be particularly advantageous. As part of the freedom of movement within the EU, there is not only an unlimited right of residence but also a general work permit. However, there are a few things to consider when moving.

The reporting system

The reporting system in Austria can be compared with that in Germany. There is an obligation to notify the competent authority of the move to the new apartment within three days. These are the registration offices of the cities and municipalities or, in Vienna, the municipal district offices. For this purpose, a registration form signed by the landlord and a valid identification document must be presented.

In addition, EEA citizens who intend to stay in Austria for more than three months are obliged to register with the responsible district administration or the Vienna magistrates within four months of entering the country. It should be noted here that the right to settle in Austria only exists if proof of employment or self-employment can be provided, so that no social benefits have to be claimed. Sufficient health insurance coverage must also be proven.

The German embassies in Austria are responsible for changing or reissuing ID documents.

Transfer of a German motor vehicle

There is no obligation to rewrite a valid German driver’s license within the EU. However, there are a few things to consider when changing the registration of the vehicle. In principle, it is permitted to operate the vehicle with a foreign registration number for one month. As in Germany, there is a Car insurance to prove. This rule only applies to liability insurance coverage. A comprehensive insurance as part of the Car insurance is of course optional.

Proof of the standard consumption tax (NoVA) paid must be submitted to the tax office so that appropriate insurance coverage can be granted. Even if the import of the vehicle is not subject to customs or VAT, this special tax must be paid once. The amount of the NoVA depends on both the vehicle’s CO2 emissions and its value.

More insurance

The question of whether insurance contracts concluded in Germany can be taken with you is difficult to answer across the board, as the answer depends on the type of insurance and how the facts are regulated in the insurance conditions. In most cases, the continuation and validity of the insurance is linked to a place of residence in Germany. If this is given up, the insurance cannot be maintained. It therefore makes sense to contact your own insurer directly in this matter in order to clarify the question of whether the insurance should be continued or canceled. However, normal life or pension insurance is not affected. These can always be continued as before. A change of address and any change in bank details must of course be reported.

Image source:
picture of congerdesign on Pixabay

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