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Movimiento Fuerza Pobladora presented its manifesto at the Novedades Theater | National

With an activity at the Novedades Theater, the Fuerza Pobladora movement presented its manifesto this Sunday, the result of months of discussion among residents.

Organizations grouped in the movement Chile’s Population Force They launched their manifesto last Sunday, during an activity at the Novedades Theater.

It is a movement that brings together residents’ organizations who defend their aspirations to have dignity with improvement in their living conditions along with structural transformations.

The activity was attended by 300 people, among them the historians Sergio Grez and Mario Garcés.

In the activity, the manifesto of the group was presented, the result of a process of months of discussion and participation in the so-called “population meetings” held in different towns.

Among the main ideas of the document is the vision about the reality of the settlers and populations in the country, the main flags of struggle and the definitions of how to organize and fight to achieve the purpose of a dignified life.

Patricio Godoy, leader of the Population Force of the commune of Conchalí, expressed in a press release that “we have said on other occasions that the current moment is the expression of a political crisis that accumulates a series of events that have made the institutional framework creak, due to its inability to resolve the disorder and instability after the social outbreak, of a health and economic crisis that, as always, hits the residents hardest, and due to the years of delegitimacy of the political system, where no one trusts the politician caste that has ruled us for years ”.

“We residents must make politics a popular practice and a tool to transform our reality, we must make our neighbors see that politics is not the patrimony of the powerful or something of the great halls, that we are politics when we decide to do something to change our reality, “he added.

For her part, Clarisa Pradenas, leader of the Huamachuco de Renca population, pointed out that “the task of this moment is to take this manifesto to the last corners of each population, as a call to raise the organization of residents and all sectors of the town, our popular youth, our children, adults and grandparents”.

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