Home » today » News » Movie tip: The YouTube documentary ‘My girlfriend has autism’, by Alwin Ritstier

Movie tip: The YouTube documentary ‘My girlfriend has autism’, by Alwin Ritstier

Most of the movies and series you know about autism are about boys. Just think of the Netflix show Atypical. But there are also plenty of girls with autism. Alwin Ritstier from Fat Cozy made a documentary about it, because his girlfriend also has autism.

My girlfriend has autism

Don’t have Netflix, Amazon Prime or Disney +, or have you already seen everything? No worries! The docu My girlfriend has autism can be watched for free on YouTube. If you Atypical interesting, this is definitely a must see. The documentary follows Alwin Ritstier from Fat Cozy including his girlfriend, who has autism. Various topics are discussed, such as what it is like to have a relationship with a woman with autism and whether the image of society is correct.

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The documentary talks with various girls with autism, but also with a psychologist and autism coach. Many women first receive an incorrect diagnosis before they are diagnosed with autism. For example, an anxiety disorder, depression, add, or personality disorder. How did that happen? All these questions are answered in the documentary My girlfriend has autism. Check out the entire docu below!

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Image: Instagram @greasy

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