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Mourning Mara Venier, the death of her dear friend devastates her. The message is heartbreaking

Mara Venier has decided to share with her fans the pain of the death of her dear friend, a post that moved everyone.

Much loved by the public throughout Italy, one of the presenters who really made the history of our country and who still today with her brilliant manner and her strong empathy, manages to keep millions of viewers glued who, with affection have now nicknamed her aunt Mara, yes we are really talking about Mara Venier.

Her sensitivity is in front of everyone’s eyes, not only in transmission where she is clearly moved by the events, or really enthusiastic about other events, Mara is a real, genuine person, therefore very much loved.

Also through its social channels manages to attract so much benevolence to himself, very active on her Instagram profile, where she often posts, she always receives back all the affection of the public with compliments and appreciation for the person she is and the great work he has been carrying out in front of the cameras for many years, with passion and dedication.

Mara’s career is really long and full of great satisfactions, of Venetian origin, Venice is the city that gave her birth, the turning point of her career however comes when she decides to move to Rome with her husband, the moment when everything has changed for her.

Mara Venier begins to take her first steps in the world of entertainment by participating in Sergio Capogna’s film, then she takes part in a project created for Mario Argento’s television, over the years job opportunities are not long in coming, so she takes part in productions relevant alongside the greatest of the seventies and eighties, such as Jerry Calà, Renato Pozzetto and Lino Banfi.

Mara Venier’s career is truly enviable, she has worked practically alongside all the major personalities of Italian television becoming herself a true icon, among others with whom she has participated in important productions we see Gianni Morandi, Rosario Fiorello and Luca Giurato and how not to mention the two undisputed kings of television status, Pippo Baudo, Mike Bongiornobut not only that, Mara later collaborated with Gerry Scotti and Corrado.

Mara Venier

Mara is a real tornado and has never stopped an active, in 2010 leads Life live with Lamberto Sposinithen with a swipe of the tail we see her return to the Mediaset networks, in 2014, in the program You are worth itbroadcast on Canale 5 together with Gerry Scotti, Maria De Filippi and Rudy Zerbi. But her great love is in Rai, with her Domenica In di lei, her program that sees her hostess.

In her life Mara has had to deal with practically everyone, so much so that with many of them she has established a deep lasting friendship relationship over time, precisely for this reason one of his posts moved his many followers.

The post that moved the web

Mara Venier has always dedicated soul and core to her work, not only giving the public moments of joy and lightheartedness, but also making herself loved by her colleagues, who have always respected her.

On her Instagram profile this love is perceived strong, so much so that there are over 2 million people who follow her daily and leave her thoughts, Mara herself is keen to share her feelings with her followers, in fact she has shared a post that moved everyone, a dear farewell to someone special for her who has unfortunately passed away.

A man, a colleague, dear friend, Giampiero Galeazzi. So Mara writes, “My big steak … an important piece of my life goes away … ..💔💔💔💔RIP”.

Mara Venier

Mara big heart, she is not afraid to hide her feelings and to show herself sensitive, broken and heartbroken by the loss that makes her suffer so much.

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