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Mourinho before the meeting with Bodø / Glimt:

BODØ (VG) Roma manager José Mourinho (58) was fascinated by the winter weather that met him in Bodø on Wednesday night.


Strong gusts of wind and snow drifts met the Portuguese manager and his Italian crew.

The northern Norwegian weather is at its most characteristic – with a stiff gale and yellow danger warning until Thursday night, according to the weather service Yr.

Football is also a winter sport, Mourinho says with a smile on his face – after someone in the hall finally dared to ask a question in English, contrary to the media manager to Rome’s strict message that everything should take place in Italian and Norwegian.

After the press conference, this stunt aroused laughter:

The merited manager still has no plans to send out a pure B-team at Aspmyra on Thursday night. He guarantees that he “will not replace all eleven”.

– It is a difficult course considering the artificial turf. There is a huge difference from the natural grass we are used to. Completely different skills are required. There are also difficult weather conditions. We also have many players we do not want to take any chances with, given the circumstances, José Mourinho said during tonight’s press conference.

– When the public chooses to get out of their homes under these conditions, we must give them what they deserve. It’s harder for us than it is for them, but that’s the way it is. We just have to enjoy it.

– Have you brought a hat here? asked a TV 2s reporter in English.

– I’m more of a London man than a Portuguese, so I think it’s going well.

Mourinho himself has shared a video clip from Aspmyra on his Instagram account, where he summarizes the weather conditions and writes “who cares?”:

While Mourinho thinks he is well suited for the weather in Bodø, parts of the player group seemed to be somewhat more skeptical. The Portuguese was clearly fascinated by the weather and went straight to the VIP grandstand and photographed the snow before sitting on the podium.

– I have never experienced anything like this before, Roma player Ebrima Darboe told VG.

After opening the press conference at Aspmyra by talking about the difficult weather and playing conditions, Mourinho was quickly on the charm offensive when he mentioned Bodø city on his own initiative.

– I’m glad to be here. This is actually the first time I play in Norway. I know that this city loves football, and in addition it is very beautiful here, Mourinho emphasizes.

He is aware that the task that awaits them is tough. Mourinho expects the home team to play football as they have done in domestic series and out in Europe in recent seasons.

– I do not think they will change identity towards this match. They want to continue with the football they are known for. We have analyzed them well, so we do not expect any big surprises, says Mourinho to VG.

– It is a well-organized team that plays good football. They have four points so far, and it is hardly coincidental, he continues.

WEATHER – José Mourinho thinks he is more used to the weather conditions than his players may be. Here he arrives in Aspmyra ahead of tonight’s press conference.

Before the settlement at Aspmyra, Mourinhos Roma tops the group with six points, two points ahead of Bodø / Glimt. Thursday’s settlement is the first of two between the teams.

Wednesday’s press conference with Kjetil Knutsen and Patrick Berg was first to be held outside in a tent at 13.00, but was postponed for an hour because it had to be moved indoors due to strong winds.

During that press conference, Kjetil Knutsen was full of praise for Thursday’s opponent.

– Mourinho is a type. You have to admire him. He is one of the most deserving managers in Europe, and one of the most successful managers, said Knutsen.

– As a coach, I am probably more of an offensive coach than what Mourinho is known for, the Glimt boss continued.

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