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Mountain biker injured by tense iron wire at neck height

Last night, a mountain biker fell in a forest near Ossendrecht after hitting a piece of iron wire stretched across the path. The man was injured in the face.

While cycling, 33-year-old Marcel unsuspectingly bumped into a piece of iron wire stretched at eye level. “I almost didn’t notice it, because it was rusted wire and it was camouflaged by the branches and leaves,” he says. to Omroep Brabant. “So without braking, I cycled into it.”

He was then covered in blood and had to be taken to the hospital. Now he has two stitches in his nose and a black eye. He doesn’t understand why anyone would do this. “Maybe someone is after motocross racers,” he says. “I often cycle in that place and this has never been there before.”

‘Could have been worse’

Marcel had gone back to the forest after his visit to the hospital. “I saw another cable hanging there, ten meters away. I removed it myself.” He can’t help but think that a motocross racer had landed in it at high speed or that the wire had come straight into his eye. “I have a wound in my left eye, but it could have been worse.”

He filed a complaint and called the council. The police confirms to Omroep Brabant that a report has indeed been received.

Despite the accident, Marcel does not intend to stop mountain biking. “Maybe I’ll be a little more careful, but I hope to go cycling again next week.”

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