Home » Technology » Mount Edgecumbe: Alaska’s Dormant Volcano Shows Signs of Imminent Eruption After 800 Years

Mount Edgecumbe: Alaska’s Dormant Volcano Shows Signs of Imminent Eruption After 800 Years


Volcanoes of Alaska. PHOTO/WION NEWS

LOCATIONvolcano in Alaska that has not erupted for 800 years showing signs of an eruption. Scientists say the volcano, which is considered a volcano, could erupt at any time and have warned people to stay away from it.

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Volcanoes that never erupt are considered inactive volcanoes. But experts say that’s not true. This is just a volcano that has not erupted for a long time but could erupt.

The latest warning is for Mount Edgecumbe south of Alaska’s Kruzof Island. With a height of 3,201 feet, tourists come to it and some live in the surrounding area. This mountain is considered safe for thousands of years. However, that may change.

Based on the latest research, the volcano is now showing signs that magma is moving in, which is a warning sign that an eruption is possible and therefore people need to be alert. However, this cannot be confirmed.

As a precaution, the Alaska Volcano Observatory has raised the threat level.

According to data, this volcano was more active at certain times in history. The last eruption occurred 800 years ago and one piece of evidence indicates that volcanic activity occurred 1,150 years ago.

Experts say that if a similar eruption were to occur now, it would be “a serious threat to local population centers.” A 2010 research paper mentions the discovery of ash in deposits in Sitka Sound.

The area appears to be heating up already, with climbers reporting gas bubbles from the ground near Mount Edgecumbe.

The ground around the volcano will also be rising, according to radar satellite measurements. A series of earthquakes hit the area in 2022 and their activity appears to be linked.

2024-10-27 14:44:00
#erupting #years #volcano #releasing #volcanic #activity

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