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“Moulin intervened when the SCO wanted to fire me in U18” • Actufoot • Pro / amateur football news

If we had to remember a word from the interview granted to our colleagues, it would be humility. In addition to his recent salary cut to allow his teammates to qualify in the group, the Angers SCO player seems to have left with a completely different state of mind: “I’m very happy to have done a full preparation because it’s been a long time since it happened to me, so I feel a lot better than last season. Physically and mentally I’m ready, so you can say that it is ‘left” he confided in the columns of magazine So Foot. Brilliant, like his teammates during the first three days of Ligue 1, Boufal is savoring the return to his training club a year ago now: “Several clubs made me offers, especially abroad with the possibility of playing the Champions League, but I refused. (…) And then, the SCO’s proposal arrived on the table. I have always stayed in touch with President Saïd Chabane, he called me several times to tell me about his future ambitions with Angers, and little by little, I began to tell myself that coming back here would be beneficial to me “.

From Stéphane Moulin to Gérald Baticle

While he will discover Ligue 1 under the colors of LOSC, the talented Sofiane Boufal, who stopped his studies very early to devote himself to football and help his mother, looks back on his training at SCO Angers, where he had already crossed paths. Stéphane Moulin, now Caen coach:“In less than 18 years, the SCO wanted to fire me, and it was Stéphane Moulin, then trainer of the reserve at the time, who intervened. I was training with his son, so he saw what I was doing. was able to do it. He became an ally, and told the club that it was just a big problem and that with my talent, you had to be patient with me. “ A trainer coach, who allowed him to make his professional debut and with whom he necessarily established a special relationship. However, the angelvin does not want to draw a comparison with his successor: “I don’t like comparisons at all. Gérald Baticle has just arrived and he’s starting to put things in place which are very interesting. He’s a very good coach, with a very good pedagogy and he is already close to his players. For now, it’s a total success. “ Indeed, after four days, SCO Angers is undefeated (2V, 1N) before facing Rennes this Sunday (3pm).

Photo credit: Iconsport

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