Mouila, September 8, 2023 (AGP) – After the publication of the 2023-2024 school calendar, which breaks with the school holidays, in Mouila, and in other towns in the province, stores are gradually preparing to welcome the parents of students. But for most, it will be necessary to wait until the end of September to purchase learners’ school supplies and other schooling-related needs.
According to the guidelines of the authorities in charge of education, the start of the school year, for the network of approved public schools, is scheduled for Tuesday, September 12, of the current year, and September 18 for all establishments public and private.
A few days before the start of the administrative and school year, several adjustments or actions must be carried out on both sides to begin the 2023-2024 academic year.
In stores and other points of sale for school supplies, traders do not need to be asked. Stocks of notebooks, bags and others are already available in certain locations. But these traders will still have to wait for the parents of students to storm their businesses.
Indeed, many of these parents are waiting for income at the end of the current month, or any assistance, for the purchase of school kits and other needs relating to the learners’ return to school.
”I am not ready yet. There is a lot of participation or tasks to complete here and there. From the end of the month, we will start doing what we can,” said a mother, when asked about preparations for the start of the school year.
Several traders have already exhibited their products.
For those who do not have a fixed income, they have to rely on odds and ends or the help of a parent to send their children to school. Everything that constitutes a Chinese puzzle, because you don’t know which way to turn. For learners left to their own devices, but wishing to continue their studies, they will also have to go out of their way to get by once again. Scenarios which suggest that some learners will jump on the bandwagon.
For learners, the publication of the 2023-2024 school calendar means resuming classes in a few days. Thanks to the policemen that are parents, this means breaking with holiday habits and adhering to the demands of the solar year.
If the high cost of schooling is shunned by many parents, the fact remains that many quietly breathe a sigh of relief for the rest time to which they will now be entitled with the resumption of classes.