Home » today » World » Motorways still in chaos in Liguria: 12 kilometers of queues on the A7, 10 on the A 26 – La Stampa

Motorways still in chaos in Liguria: 12 kilometers of queues on the A7, 10 on the A 26 – La Stampa

GENOA. Yet another nightmare morning for the road network in Liguria due to the construction sites open for the safety of the tunnels. The most serious problems are registered above all on the Genoese motorway junction. Black Monday starts early in the morning with 12 kilometers of tail between Recco and the junction for the A7. Another 10 kilometers on the A26 between Masone (whose toll booth was reopened shortly after 12) and Voltri. The situation on the A12 has improved, but not on the A26. Meanwhile, the Federation of Logistics launches an appeal to avoid the “flight” of maritime traffic from Ligurian ports: “Enough with the political controversy, targeted actions are needed, from upgrading the railway service to entrusting motorway tolls to port authorities”.

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Toti: “Liguria cannot be hostage to a war between government and Aspi”
Liguria cannot remain hostage to a war “between the government and Aspi which has lasted since the day after the collapse of the Morandi bridge”. So the President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti this morning in Agorà on Rai 3 comments on the situation that has arisen in Liguria. The governor invites the government to take a decision on the withdrawal of the concession to Aspi. «The political judgment for a government exponent means a consequent action. If it is believed that Aspi no longer has the criteria of reliability to manage the motorway network and there is a lack of trust on the part of the Government, it is legitimate, but withdraw the concession and entrust it to someone else ».

Toti has also returned to talk about the Gronda: «The project is ready and the funded work, the minister has it on his desk, he does not sign it because the Five Star ally does not want to. So a 4 billion euro work freezes, does it make sense to have a government freezing a work because you don’t agree? Legitimately, but such a country cannot be governed. We of majorities have already approved two. They are heterogeneous majorities that have not given great results because to govern we must also see it in the same way, it is not just numbers in the two chambers of Parliament “.

Closing of the Rapallo tollgate until 20 today
The reopening of the Rapallo toll booth, leaving for those coming from Genoa, was postponed to 8 pm tonight, Monday 6 July. Aspi informs him that he remembers that the reopening of the Genova Nervi tollbooth always on the A12, entering towards Sestri Levante and leaving for those coming from Genoa, is scheduled for 6 on Wednesday 8 July. On the other hand, the section between Genova Est and Recco towards Livorno from 22 on Tuesday 7 to 6 on Wednesday 8 July 2020 is expected to close on A12. The mandatory outgoing traffic in Genova Est may eventually return to the highway in Recco after having traveled the municipal road system and then the Aurelia.

Federlogistica: “Avoiding the” escape “of traffic from Ligurian ports”

«The very serious traffic situation in Liguria is unfortunately destined to last for weeks. But unproductive controversies are useless. The imperative is now to avoid the “flight” of freight and passenger traffic from Ligurian ports, to the advantage of foreign airports “. Federlogistica-Conftrasporto affirms it, launching an appeal and proposals for what is the main Italian port system. “The Ligurian port system represents almost 50% of the final destination container traffic, an indispensable engine for the export activities of northern companies and is the first port system for cruise tourism, a sector that must be put in a position to start immediately”, warns the President of the Logistics Federation, Luigi Merlo. “In the last 20 years the three Ligurian ports have grown a lot while the road network has not only not increased, but has worsened”, says the president of Federlogistica-Conftrasporto, claiming that the past management of Autostrade per l’Italia has been “inadequate” .

Federlogistica indicates the need for targeted choices: “To prevent northern European ports from attacking our markets even more, immediate responses are needed which can come from the strengthening of the railway service with a reduction in costs for train tracks and operations, from the expansion of the time slots for night and morning entry into ports, the increase in digitization and the use of apps in favor of road haulage and logistics “, says Merlo. Furthermore, he continues, “the tolls, from here until when a minimum normal situation will return, should be entrusted to the Adsp (Port System Authority) to initiate immediate actions, with the aim of reducing the inconvenience of road transport and compensating the reduction of all port and railway tariffs so that customers of Ligurian ports do not choose foreign airports. This measure would also be important for “repairing”, albeit to a minimal extent, the exclusion of Italian ports from the resources provided for in the relaunch decree. A forgetfulness that will further aggravate the situation at the Genoa airport », concludes the president of Federlogistica-Conftrasporto.

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