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Motorway A6 closed between Heilbronn / Neckarsulm and Weinsberger Kreuz

Bridge dismantling on A6 from June 5th to 7th

  • fromDaniel Hagmann

    shut down

The A6 motorway between Heilbronn / Neckarsulm and Weinsberger Kreuz will be closed from June 5th to 7th. There are some details and time slots to consider.

  • A6 motorway between Heilbronn / Neckarsulm and the Weinsberger cross from June 5th to 7th blocked.
  • Blocking the A6 takes place in two time windows.
  • The background is the dismantling of the temporary bridge for district road 2125.

It is because of the Coronavirus-related lack of tourism currently less traffic on the Highways. For motoristwho on Weekend after Pentecost on the A6 motorway between the connection points Heilbronn / Neckarsulm and the Weinsberger cross However, if you want to be on the road, you cannot get through there. Because because Construction work is the A6 from June 5th to 7th fully blocked in both directions.

Background of Complete closure on the A6 motorway between Heilbronn / Neckarsulm and the Weinsberger cross at the weekend after Pentecost is the dismantling of the makeshift bridge for the Kreisstrasse 2125. The Blockage of the A6 takes place in two time windows. At the Friday June 5th, begins the Blocking the Directional lane Mannheim at 11 p.m. and lasts until Saturday June 6th, around 8 p.m.. The blocking of the Directional lane Nuremberg starts on Saturday June 6th, around 7 o’clock and lasts until Sunday, June 7th, around 7 o’clock. From the early Sunday morning it is A6 motorway between the connection points Heilbronn / Neckarsulm and the Weinsberger cross then fully accessible again in both directions.

A6 motorway blocked in both directions: Here are the redirection tips

To the Blocking the A6 motorway between Heilbronn / Neckarsulm junctions and the Weinsberger cross from June 5th to 7th to circumvent it is recommended to bypass the block over a wide area. Motorists heading towards Nuremberg should be at the junction Heilbronn / Neckarsulm drive off and the U69 to the junction Weinsberg / Ellhofen consequences. Motorists who drive in on the A6 – where there are always serious accidents Direction Mannheim are on the way and from the A81 motorway with direction of travel Würzburg and Stuttgart come, drive on the Junction Weinsberg / Ellhofen off and follow the U58 to Heilbronn / Neckarsulm junction. If you come from the A6 motorway with the direction of Mannheim, drive over the A81 motorway at the Junction Weinsberg / Ellhofen and follows the U58 to Autobahn junction Heilbronn / Neckarsulm.

When blocking, it is important to use detours to avoid standstill.

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