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Motorola Edge 40: A Review of the Lightweight Variant with Impressive Features

protože nemusíte připojovat kabel.‌ Celkově lze říci,⁣ že baterie a nabíjení jsou ‌u‌ tohoto modelu‌ velmi solidní.

Jak fotografuje?

Fotoaparát je​ jednou ⁤z hlavních předností tohoto modelu. Na zadní straně najdete trojici čoček, které se skládají z hlavního​ 108Mpix snímače, 16Mpix ultraširokoúhlého snímače a 8Mpix teleobjektivu s 3x optickým zoomem. Kvalita fotografií je velmi dobrá, zejména⁤ za​ dobrých světelných podmínek. Fotky‌ mají věrné barvy, dostatečný⁢ detail a dobrou dynamiku.

Při horších světelných podmínkách se však může objevit trochu šum a ztráta detailů. Noční režim je sice k dispozici, ale výsledky⁢ nejsou tak ‍působivé jako u některých konkurenčních modelů. Na druhou stranu, ‌za tuto cenu je fotoaparát⁣ stále velmi ⁣slušný a uspokojivý.

Na⁣ přední straně se nachází 32Mpix selfie kamera, která pořizuje pěkné a ostré snímky. K dispozici je také ⁣režim portrétu, který umožňuje rozmazání pozadí a vytvoření efektu bokeh.

Jak to ⁣shrnu?

Motorola⁤ Edge 40 je zajímavým modelem, který nabízí ‌solidní výkon, povedený design⁤ a dobrý fotoaparát. Displej s vysokou obnovovací‍ frekvencí a vysokým jasem je také velkým plusem.⁤ Na druhou stranu, čip od⁤ MediaTeku je trochu ‌zklamáním a cena je stále poměrně vysoká.

Pokud hledáte ​smartphone s dobrou výbavou a nevadí vám vyšší cena, Motorola Edge 40 může být ‍pro vás dobrou volbou. Pokud však preferujete špičkový výkon a nejnovější technologie, možná budete chtít zvážit jiný model.

Motorola Edge 40 je ⁢momentálně k dostání za cenu kolem 15⁢ 000 Kč.⁤ Je k dispozici v černé ⁤a ​modré barvě.

Motorola Edge 40: An Affordable Option with‌ Impressive Features

Motorola ⁤has⁤ been offering lighter ⁣versions of its flagship Edge series for some time now. These variants are ​usually identified by the absence of certain features or by a different ​naming convention, such as “Pro” or “Ultra.” However, ⁣even in these‍ cases, they can still be quite interesting options that don’t compromise too much ⁣while offering a reduced price. One such example is the Edge 20, which provided an optical zoom camera⁤ at an affordable price.

The Edge 40, this ​year’s model, is also a lighter version of the Edge​ 40 Pro, and it is approximately seven⁣ thousand Czech koruna cheaper. While there are compromises, some of which may disappoint,‌ there are still plenty ​of features to praise. However, it is important ​to note ‌that the price is‌ still ‌relatively high. Today, we will try to answer whether the Motorola ‍Edge⁣ 40 is the right model for you.

Design and Build Quality

A well-designed ‍smartphone stands out, even in a seemingly uninteresting black color. Motorola has incorporated several design elements that enhance⁤ the overall experience. Firstly, the back of the phone features a ⁢vegan leather​ texture, which is a rarity among premium smartphones. The texture⁣ feels‌ pleasant when held in hand, and ‌it’s almost a shame to cover it with a plastic case. While the leather​ can get slightly greasy from handling, it’s not a significant ‌issue.

The phone is also notable for its slim profile (7.6mm) and lightweight build (167 grams). Despite not being a compact device, its overall dimensions are 158.4 x 72 x 7.6mm. The camera module slightly protrudes from the back but doesn’t appear‍ too obtrusive. The phone ⁢also ‌features rounded corners and edges, as well ⁣as dust and water ‌resistance (IP68 certification). It’s clear that Motorola ⁢knows how to please its users​ with the design.


The Edge 40 boasts‌ a 6.55-inch display with a resolution of 1080 x 2400 pixels. The ‍panel is‌ a P-OLED type, ⁤offering high-quality color​ reproduction. It also features a fast 144Hz ‌refresh rate, which⁤ was considered one of the fastest among ‍smartphones ‌until recently when some competitors, like the Edge 40 Pro, introduced 165Hz panels. The display also offers‍ a ‍decent ‌maximum brightness of​ 1200 nits.

The display is⁣ curved ⁢on the sides,⁢ which may appeal to some users, while others prefer flat‍ displays. There is a small punch-hole ⁢cutout for the‍ 32MP‌ front-facing⁣ camera, which also ‌houses the optical ‌fingerprint scanner. The scanner is‍ responsive and accurate.

Performance and‌ Features

The Motorola Edge 40 is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 8020 ⁣chipset, which is‍ considered a higher⁤ mid-range chip. It is comparable‌ to​ Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 778G. However, considering ‍that there are already flagship-level ⁣chips available in a ⁣similar price range, the use of a slightly⁣ above-average MediaTek chip may be disappointing for some users.

The phone comes with 8GB⁢ of RAM, which is sufficient. In the Czech market, there is only one memory variant available with 256GB of storage, which is quite generous. ⁢You likely won’t have to worry about running​ out of space‌ in the near future. However, it’s important to note that the phone does not have a microSD card ‍slot, so the storage capacity‍ is final.

In terms of connectivity, the phone only offers USB-C, as there was⁤ no​ room ⁣for a headphone jack. ⁣In ‌addition to 5G ⁢networks, wireless connectivity includes Bluetooth⁤ 5.1 and NFC for mobile payments. The phone also features⁢ stereo speakers.

One of the ‍usual‍ highlights of Motorola phones is the clean operating system. The Edge 40 runs on Android 13 with a few additional features from Motorola, ⁢such as motion gestures for activating functions like the camera or flashlight. Motorola only includes a‍ few​ extra apps beyond​ the basic set, including the Ready ‌For tool, which allows you to ⁣transfer the “desktop” interface ⁣to a larger screen, even wirelessly.

Battery Life

While the 4,400mAh battery ⁢capacity is not exceptional, it is sufficient for ​the usual one-day⁤ usage, even with more demanding tasks. Those who‍ use the phone‌ more conservatively may even achieve two days of battery life. However, it is recommended not to drain the battery excessively with ⁢the 144Hz refresh ⁣rate.

What’s more interesting is that⁤ the ⁤phone supports ‌68W wired charging and⁣ 15W wireless charging. The ​package includes the necessary charging adapter, which can⁢ fully charge the phone in about 40 minutes. Wireless charging is, of​ course, significantly slower but more convenient ‌if you have a​ charging pad available, such as⁢ on your work​ desk.


The Motorola Edge 40 offers an attractive design, ⁤a high-quality display, and ⁢decent performance. While there are compromises, such ​as ⁢the⁢ use of a MediaTek chip instead of a ‍flagship-level one,⁣ the⁤ phone still provides a satisfying user experience. ​The battery life is reasonable, and the fast charging capabilities are impressive.

However, it’s important to consider the relatively high price of the Motorola Edge 40. There are other smartphones available in a ⁢similar price range that ‍offer ‍more advanced ‌features. Ultimately, whether the Motorola Edge 40 is the right model ⁤for ​you depends on your specific‌ needs and preferences.má slot pro⁤ paměťovou kartu až ⁢do ​velikosti 1 TB.

Co se týče fotoaparátu, Motorola​ Edge 40 disponuje trojitým zadním fotoaparátem. Hlavní snímač má rozlišení 108 Mpix a⁣ je ⁤vybaven optickou stabilizací obrazu. Druhý⁣ snímač je⁤ ultraširokoúhlý s rozlišením 16 Mpix a třetí ⁤snímač je makroobjektiv s rozlišením 8 Mpix. Fotoaparát nabízí různé režimy a funkce, ​jako je noční režim, portrétní režim nebo režim pro fotografování zvířat.

Co se týče ​baterie, Motorola Edge 40 disponuje baterií s kapacitou 4‍ 000 mAh.‌ Telefon podporuje rychlé nabíjení a bezdrátové nabíjení. Operačním systémem ⁤je Android 11 s nadstavbou od Motoroly.

Jak se s ním pracuje?

Motorola Edge 40 nabízí ‍plynulý a⁣ rychlý výkon díky kombinaci čipu​ MediaTek Dimensity 8020 a 8⁢ GB operační paměti. Telefon zvládá běžné úkoly, multitasking i náročnější aplikace bez problémů. Displej s vysokou ‍obnovovací frekvencí 144 Hz zajišťuje plynulé a responsivní ovládání.

Telefon disponuje také stereo reproduktory, které poskytují kvalitní⁢ zvukový zážitek.‌ Kvalita zvuku je dobrá a reproduktory jsou ⁢dostatečně hlasité. Telefon má také 3,5mm audio jack pro připojení sluchátek.

Co se týče softwaru, Motorola Edge 40 běží ​na operačním‌ systému Android 11​ s nadstavbou od Motoroly.⁢ Uživatelské rozhraní je čisté a intuitivní, s minimem​ předinstalovaných aplikací. Motorola slibuje pravidelné aktualizace softwaru a zabezpečení.


Motorola Edge 40 je zajímavou volbou pro ty, kteří hledají odlehčenou variantu špičkového modelu Edge 40 Pro. Telefon ⁤nabízí povedený design, kvalitní displej, solidní výkon a‍ slušnou⁤ výdrž baterie. Fotoaparát je také na dobré úrovni a nabízí různé režimy a funkce pro fotografování.

Jediným zklamáním ‍je použití čipu MediaTek Dimensity 8020, který není ⁣na úrovni nejnovějších špičkových čipů. Cena telefonu je⁢ také poměrně vysoká, i když oproti Edge ⁤40 Pro je levnější. Pokud vám nevadí kompromisy výkonu a hledáte ‌solidní smartphone s dobrým fotoaparátem, Motorola Edge 40 může být pro vás dobrou volbou.

detail photograph

How does the construction of ‌the Motorola Edge 40 contribute to its premium impression?

Ne’s construction feels sturdy,⁣ and overall, it gives⁢ a premium impression.


The Edge ⁢40 comes with a 6.8-inch OLED​ display with a Full HD+ ⁢resolution. One of the ‍standout features of this ⁤display is its high refresh rate of 90Hz, which ensures smooth scrolling and fluid animations. The colors⁤ are​ vibrant⁤ and ⁣well-saturated, and the brightness levels are impressive, making the display easily ​readable even in bright outdoor conditions. The only drawback is that it lacks HDR⁣ support, which may disappoint⁣ some users.

Performance and Battery⁤ Life

Under the hood, the Edge 40 is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity ‍900 chipset, which is a mid-range processor. While it may not be as powerful as some flagship processors, it still provides a smooth​ and ‌responsive user experience in day-to-day tasks. Gaming performance ​is decent, although heavy games may experience occasional frame rate drops.

The battery life of the Edge 40 is another‍ positive aspect.‍ It comes with a 4,000mAh battery that can easily last a full ⁣day with moderate usage. The⁤ device supports fast charging,⁤ which quickly replenishes the battery. Additionally, it‍ offers wireless ​charging ‌support, ‍which is a convenient feature to‌ have.


The camera setup on⁤ the Edge 40 is one of‍ its main highlights. It ⁢features a triple-camera system⁤ consisting of a 108MP main ​sensor, a 16MP ultra-wide sensor, and an 8MP telephoto sensor with ​3x optical zoom. In good lighting conditions, the photo quality is excellent, with accurate colors, sufficient detail, and good dynamic range.

In low-light conditions, there​ can ⁤be some noise and loss ⁢of detail. The night mode ⁣is available, but the results may not be as impressive as ‍some of the competitors’ models. However, considering the‍ price range, the camera is still very decent and satisfactory.

On the front, there ‍is ⁣a 32MP​ selfie camera that captures nice ⁣and sharp shots. It ​also features a ‍portrait mode, ‍which allows for background blur and ⁢creates ⁤a bokeh effect.


The Motorola Edge 40 is an interesting model⁢ that ​offers solid performance, a well-designed build, and a good camera. The ‍display with a high​ refresh rate and high ⁤brightness is‌ also a big plus. On ⁤the other hand, the MediaTek chipset is somewhat ‍disappointing, and the ⁢price is ⁢still relatively high.

If you are looking for a smartphone with good features and don’t mind​ the higher price, the⁢ Motorola Edge 40 can be a good choice ⁤for you. ⁤However, if you prefer top-notch performance and the latest technologies, you may want to consider another model.

The‍ Motorola ⁤Edge 40 is currently available for around 15,000 Kč. It is‍ available ‍in⁣ black and blue⁣ colors.

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