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Motorcycle parking: Hidalgo’s time bomb

Lhe Paris by Anne Hidalgo is a novel. But a noir novel as she has the art of attracting the wrath of motorized users in the city. Let’s move on to the generalized 30 km / h limitations, untenable, but large providers of fines and points withdrawn. They force drivers who are not yet robotic to look at their speedometer more than the road. In terms of road safety, we have seen better.

But here is the next threat which points to a population barely tolerated in the streets of the capital, that of motorized two-wheelers. It will be subject to paid parking, but the implementation date provided for on 1is January 2022 has been postponed until next September. It seems that the position of the State, which has given up imposing a technical control of two-wheelers, may have played a role in this delay. However, paid parking will be well implemented, with an assumed rate of around 50% of that applied to cars.

READ ALSOMotorcycle technical control: the government’s retreat

What feed a mutual incomprehension between the Town Hall and the bikers and scooter drivers, whose population swelled at the same time as the Kafkaesque traffic situations multiplied. These no longer occur even during rush hour, but extend well beyond and trap the improvident who would not have increased their journey time by 50% for their appointment. In the front row, the ex-Parisians who, visiting, witness the sinking of a city that was once so pleasant to live in. Those who still resist have for many abandoned the car to switch to two-wheelers, public transport not offering the necessary alternative.

700 euros per month

The Parisian administration, clearly preferring pedestrians and bicycles to everything else, is preparing a new turn of the screw, capital this one, targeting motorized two and three-wheelers. And even if it is postponed to 1is September 2022, the principle of paid parking revolts bikers even though they believe they participate in the flow of traffic. They clear the Parisian floor of their cars, but, in addition, they do not swell the mass of public transport passengers, already overloaded. In other words, some think we should thank them for it.

Instead, they will be charged a rate close to 50% of the car rate. For a worker, this represents an out-of-proportion financial effort since two rates apply to visitors depending on whether they are parked in one of the eleven boroughs in the center or in those on the outskirts. The prices for cars currently in force (see table of the City of Paris) are 75 euros, limited to 6 hours of occupancy in the center and 50 euros in the outskirts. Or, for a motorbike or a scooter, 37.50 and 25 euros depending on the location. To be multiplied by the number of working days, or, at worst, a parking budget of 700 euros per month.

“Inadmissible,” says Erik, a scooter user because he repented of the automobile, when the floor space is less and a well-arranged car space would allow four machines to be parked. And therefore to further divide by four the price of motorcycle parking provided by the Town Hall. For someone condemned to office hours, it will be necessary to finance 8 or 9 hours of parking! »Or 4 to 6 euros depending on the case. Worse still, it will not be possible, at the risk of an impound removal, to park outside the planned locations.

100,000 missing places

However, underline the actors of the world of the motorcycle (FFM, FFMC, CSIAM, CNPA, Codever), “the City of Paris did not apprehend the problem in its entirety and consequently presents an unsuitable project. Indeed, it seems obvious that the dedicated parking spaces are insufficient to date. The police headquarters assesses the lack of nearly 100,000 places! As for people with the capacity to acquire an electric 2/3 RM, the fleet of charging stations is currently very insufficient, or even non-existent. “

And to continue with this question to the municipality: “How can users with modest incomes using their 2/3 RM each day to work be able to bear these costs when no credible alternative of mobility is offered to them? “

Very discreet on the subject, Anne Hidalgo has probably postponed the implementation of this measure because of her campaign for the presidential election. If she does not seem to have the best chances of winning, she will however still be mayor of Paris when the school year begins and the motorcycle world is waiting for her firmly if she persists. The associations want to take advantage of the additional time to ask the City of Paris to resume, in consultation with them, this undoubtedly explosive file.

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