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Motor vehicle insurance: grossly negligent throwing in the key at the workshop?

Huracán STO von Lamborghini. Those: Lamborghini.

Everyday, but not smart. Many customers park their car in need of repair outside of the opening times in front of the workshop and drop the key in the corresponding mailbox. Sometimes the car is gone before the tires hit the workshop floor. However, throwing in the key does not mean gross negligence, as a judgment shows that all insurers and customers should know.

Does the insurer have to pay the damage if a thief fishes the car key out of the mailbox and disappears over the mountains; no, says the insurer; yes the customer. In the end, the Oldenburg regional court had to decide (Az .: 13 O 688/20). The court found the stolen right. Throwing in the key could be grossly negligent, but it would depend on the individual case.

The impression of the mailbox is important, it must be stable and it must be difficult to remove the key without permission. That would have been the case in the present case, which is why the insurer has to pay for the damage, reports the reporting medium car dealer.

Residual value and touchscreen

Several important judgments were recently made in the automotive sector. A court ruled that an accident victim does not have to have a higher residual value offer offset against his claim for damages after the sale of the accident vehicle. The same applies to touchscreens in cars as to mobile phones: the tires roll, your fingers don’t belong there, the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court found.

Author: VW editorial team



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