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Motor Sich will not be nationalized – Urusky

Фото: Ukrainian Military Pages

The state intends to take control of Motor Sich

The state plans to capitalize on the enterprise and thus gain control over it.

The Ukrainian authorities do not intend to nationalize the Motor Sich enterprise, said Deputy Prime Minister for Strategic Industries Oleg Urusky in an interview Uaprom.info.

“We are not talking about nationalization. We are talking about state control over a strategic enterprise,” he said.

For this, according to the minister, the state can enter the capital of the enterprise.

“I think that additional capitalization of Motor Sich will be carried out, and ultimately the state will have a controlling stake,” he said, noting that this is still under discussion and analysis.

At the same time, Urusky does not think that the enterprise will be transferred under the control of Ukroboronprom, which is being reformed itself.

We will remind, in the spring, President Volodymyr Zelensky put into effect the NSDC decision of March 11 on return of Motor Sich enterprise the property of the state. In reply China called on the Ukrainian authorities respect the rights and interests of Chinese investors.

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