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MotoGP Denies the Indonesian GP Receives Special Treatment

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Dorna Sport has issued a provisional racing calendar MotoGP season 2021. Indonesia whose plan to host is on the reserve list or reserve date.

Party Mandalika Grand Prix Association ( MGPA) said, reserve date does not mean backup. As for Indonesia it is given special treatment because the Mandalika Circuit is a new circuit.

Also read: Mandalika Circuit Ready to Title MotoGP, Even Without Spectators

A racing enthusiast in the country then confirmed this to MotoGP to ask whether Indonesia really received special treatment and could choose a race schedule.

Unexpected, e-mail MotoGP replied, but with content in the form of a rebuttal. E-mail The reply was then uploaded to social media, one of which was Twitter.

A sentence fragment in the content e-mail are as follows:

“With regard to your question, we respectfully inform you that Indonesia has not received special treatment and can only enter the calendar in 2021 if they finish building the circuit and if there is a date available, in case GP others are canceled, “wrote the MotoGP, quoted on Tuesday (11/17/2020).

photo" data-photolink="http://otomotif.kompas.com/image/2020/11/18/084200315/motogp-bantah-gp-indonesia-dapat-perlakuan-khusus?page=2" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">KOMPAS.com/ Bambang P. Jatmiko Land developed by PT ITDC in Mandalika, Lombok, NTB-

Responding to the upload, MGPA Chief Strategic and Communication Officer Happy Harinto said that his party could not provide any statement.

“We haven’t got the answer yet. When we get the answer, I’ll let you know,” said Happy when confirmed Kompas.com, Tuesday (17/11/2020).

Also read: The target of the MGPA for the Mandalika Circuit to be completed by June 2021

Happy only said that in the near future his party would hold a press conference.

photo" data-photolink="http://otomotif.kompas.com/image/2020/11/18/084200315/motogp-bantah-gp-indonesia-dapat-perlakuan-khusus?page=3" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">Mandalika Circuit Photo: Special Mandalika Circuit –

Judging replies e-mail from the MotoGP, it is said that Indonesia can enter the schedule if the circuit construction has been completed and if there is a GP or other series that is canceled.

Currently, MGPA is pushing the completion of the circuit. Previously, Happy had said that all MGPA targets had been completed by June 2021.

“The target of MGPA is that in June 2021 it has been completed. Now it is being carried out 24 hours, day and night. Then, in July 2021, testing will be carried out,” said Happy, early November 2020.

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