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Moto: second race of the weekend in Argentina … and second victory for the Montluçonnais Jules Cluzel

the circuit de San Juan (Argentine) hosts Supersport World Championship events every year … and at the end of the day it’s Jules Cluzel who wins. Always. Indeed, the pilot of the Moto Club de Montluçon (Allier) has won all four races he has competed on this track in his career. Including the two contested this weekend, this Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 October 2021, on the occasion of the penultimate stage of the season.

The race this Saturday

Whether it was Saturday or Sunday, the scenario was the same: Jules Cluzel (Team GMT-94) set off in pole position, got off to a successful start, then led for all of the nineteen laps to complete. With the difference that this Sunday two of his main adversaries entry offside, the Spaniard Mnauel Gonzalez hitting the South African Steven Odendaal from the first corner.

Jules Cluzel nevertheless had to get rid of the Turkish Can Oncu, already present in race-1 and returned to less than half a second on race-2, fourteen laps from the finish. In the end, Auvergnat won with more than two seconds ahead on Oncu (2nd) and nearly eight on the Swiss Dominique Aegerter (3rd).

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This third place is more than enough for Dominique Aegerter since it allows it to be officially sacred world champion 2021. And this even before the last two races of the year, on November 20 and 21, in Indonesia. For his part, given his recent performances (already victorious in Portugal a fortnight ago), Jules Cluzel may regret his start to the season made of bad luck and crashes. He nevertheless took advantage of this double to grab a place (4th, 241 pts). Before ending up with a bang in Indonesia?

– Race-1 in San Juan (Saturday): 1. Cluzel ; 2. Gonzalez ; 3. Oncu ; 4. Odendaal ; 5. Aegerter…
– Race-2 in San Juan (Sunday):1. Cluzel; 2. Oncu, at 2 ”157; 3. Aegerter at 7 ”682; 4. Sommer, at 12 ”152; 5. Sebestyen, at 12 ”979…

– General:Source : www.worldsbk.com.

Feedback on Jules Cluzel’s victory in the first race in Argentina this weekend, Saturday, October 16, 2021

Text: Luc Barre
Photo: archives Mateusz Jagielski

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