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Motivational psychologist: “Essential to properly explain every use of coronapas” | Coronavirus is spreading

Motivational psychologist Maarten Vansteenkiste (UGent) asks the consultation committee to properly explain every use of the corona pass. “That is crucial to increase acceptance. We see that in our data,” said the researcher.

Vansteenkiste endorses the importance that the Covid Safe Ticket has for public health. That is why it is important to explain to the population what risks are associated with a certain situation. “It makes sense to introduce this in nightlife,” says Vansteenkiste. “But does it make sense in the store? Until today we don’t do that, so it’s not so clear.”

Today, vaccinated people are still motivated to follow the measures, Vansteenkiste sees in the figures of the motivation barometer. “I think you should not underestimate the support. There is indeed.”

“When the risks are there, people are prepared to adapt to them. But you have to be well explained why. It’s a bit lacking. Why is it necessary to go into quarantine today if your children are infected at school? That’s a big burden. But why is it essential? We have to explain that well.”

“Beware of contradictions”

Vansteenkiste also warns against inconsistencies and contradictions in the regulations. For example, part of the population does not understand that mouth masks are no longer necessary at events with fewer than 200 participants, but still at school.

With a broad introduction of the Covid Safe Ticket, it is important to frame that correctly. “Not as a bullying strategy for the unvaccinated or to put pressure on, but as a protection strategy for all of us.”

Vansteenkiste sees no added value in the stigmatization of people who have not been vaccinated, not least because the group in Belgium is relatively small. “It would be nice to maintain a certain solidarity in society. I hope the Covid Safe Ticket will not come at the expense of that.”

Also read: IN MEMORIAM. Goodbye mouth mask? Life story of attribute that suddenly appeared in our lives 1.5 years ago (+)

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