Home » today » News » Motion Segre, the tears of the adviser of Neptune: “How can you forget what fascism did?” – Repubblica Tv

Motion Segre, the tears of the adviser of Neptune: “How can you forget what fascism did?” – Repubblica Tv

Censor the words “anti-fascism” and “resistance” from the motion of support to the Segre commission. It happens in Nettuno, the municipality that during the Twenty years gave honorary citizenship to Mussolini and that still today has never revoked it. Here the center-right majority (Lega, FI and Fratelli d’Italia) of the mayor Sandro Coppola deleted the references to the Mussolini regime and to the partisan struggle from the motion. During the city council of 17 January the opposition councilor Roberto Alicandri expressed all his opposition with a decisive and moved intervention: “I cannot accept it … the victims of all totalitarianisms are the same, yes, but in Italy we cannot forget what has Fascism did. My grandfather hid the Jews and those who failed to save he saw them take away. He saw homosexuals take away, as he saw the disabled take away, simply because they were different. Forgetting this means killing those people, killing once again those families who have seen maybe a child or just a father without a son come home. But how can you really think that it can be said that the dead were all the same … No, it’s not like this in this country, we really experienced these trains of shame, these roundups with the fascists who indicated to the Nazis the people to take away. But you remember the horrors ori di Marzabotto? How can you not be anti-fascist, do you realize what you say? “(Marino Bisso)-

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