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Mothers who take care of their well-being can better raise their children

Usually we give importance and take care of our personal hygiene and that of our sons and daughters daily. Bathing, brushing teeth, tidying up the room, are already part of the habits that we instill in the children and youth of the house. However, we do not give the same importance to emotional hygiene.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Tensions & nbsp; emotional, mental & nbsp; that we are accumulating until exhaustion can go out in two ways, or outward causing harm to others or inward causing harm to ourselves. Although it is not a concrete or visible territory, it does not mean that they do not have the same and even greater importance than care and physical hygiene. Devoting time and attention to emotional and mental hygiene is essential & nbsp; for our well-being and that of the family. “data-reactid =” 24 “>The emotional and mental tensions that we accumulate to exhaustion can come out in two ways, either outwardly causing harm to others or inwardly causing harm to ourselves.. Although it is not a concrete or visible territory, it does not mean that they do not have the same and even greater importance than care and physical hygiene. Devoting time and attention to emotional and mental hygiene is essential for our well-being and that of the family.

<h2 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "A mother should never be alone“data-reactid =” 25 “>A mother should never be alone

In the specific case of the exercise of motherhood, women often find ourselves without help when faced with an exhausting task, not only physically but also emotionally and mentally. We know how demanding it is to serve young children. Regardless of our emotional disposition, more or less, children need a lot of presence, investment of effort, time and energy from their caregivers.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Raising a child takes the entire tribe, wisely says an African saying. However & nbsp; the way we have organized ourselves in modern western civilization, departs considerably from our needs as a species whose development and well-being depend on the mutual aid and cooperation of the group, society, tribe, support network. At best, we live in isolated nuclear homes where mom and dad – if not mom alone – take care of the upbringing. We have lost the tribe made up of the extended family (grandparents, uncles, neighbors, friends …) & nbsp; who participated in the care of the herd of children, a task that becomes lighter, more sustainable and healthier with the loving and altruistic participation of a support network. “data-reactid =” 27 “>Raising a child takes the entire tribe, wisely says an African saying. However, the way in which we have organized in modern western civilization, departs considerably from our needs as a species whose development and well-being depend on the mutual aid and cooperation of the group, society, tribe, support network. At best, we live in isolated nuclear homes where mom and dad – if not mom alone – take care of the upbringing. We have lost the tribe made up of the extended family (grandparents, uncles, neighbors, friends …) who participated in the care of the herd of children, a task that becomes lighter, sustainable and healthy with the loving and altruistic participation of a network sustaining.

Stressed young mother sitting on her sofa whilst feeding her baby son. She has her head in her hand and is surrounded by mess.

The physical and mental exhaustion of mothers are risk factors for the proper care of children. (Photo: Getty Images).

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The physical and mental exhaustion of mothers are factors Risk for bonding and proper care of children A healthy parenting environment that fosters the development of children begins by caring for the well-being of mothers. Therefore, the self-care of mothers is of great importance, not only personal but also social. & Nbsp; & nbsp;& nbsp; “data-reactid =” 40 “> The physical and mental exhaustion of mothers are risk factors for bonding and proper care of children. A healthy parenting environment that favors the development of children begins by caring for the mothers well-being. Therefore, the self-care of mothers is of great importance, not only personal but also social.

Emotional hygiene must be assumed as a commitment and incorporated as a habit (just as we sanitize the body or the house) to keep us free of tensions that accumulate until we explode. We can visualize it better, with the simile of a glass that is filled drop by drop and that if we do not empty daily, it is reduced.

<h2 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "It is important to take into account:“data-reactid =” 42 “>It is important to take into account:

  • Act preventively. Do not wait until you are on the verge of collapse due to physical or mental fatigue to ask for help. It is necessary to become aware of the importance of identifying our emotions, our tiredness, our ability or difficulty to ask for help. This personal work is essential to be able to record the cause of our self-neglect and consciously decide what we will do to establish decisive actions in favor of our self-care. Mothers deserve to rest, Self-regulate emotionally and physically on a regular basis without having to reach collapse or exhaustion so that the help we need to take care of ourselves is validated.

  • Just because they both happen at home doesn’t mean parenting and housework are the same thing.. Raising children is not the same as cleaning, cooking, washing clothes … Therefore, a mother also takes care of the house when she mainly needs to turn almost entirely to the upbringing -especially of young children very dependent on her care- a perfectly avoidable exhaustion factor. Other family members can take care of the housework so mothers can sleep, rest, take care of their own emotional self-regulation.

  • Specific resources such as calling a friend to talk, take a shower, seek help leaving the children in the care of a family member or person that the children trust and with whom they stay calm during spaces adjusted to their periods of contact needs with mom, to go for a walk, run, exercise, receive a massage, go to the hairdresser, etc., it is essential to restore balance. We know that when it comes to caring for young children, there is little time available, but we can always, with the help of a partner, friends, family, take a reasonable time (even half an hour or fifteen minutes a day) for self-care.

  • Let the music be with you as long as possible. Choose themes that bring you pleasure and well-being.

We can also resort to emotional self-regulation strategies when we feel like we’re about to lose control. Just in those moments, if we become aware of our emotion and accept it, we can channel the reaction towards another objective, thus avoiding harm or violence to the children in our care.

<h2 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Some recommended cathartic exercises:“data-reactid =” 49 “>Some recommended cathartic exercises:

Woman doing yoga with daughter on her backWoman doing yoga with daughter on her back

It is healthy moments to exercise and lower emotional tension. (Photo: Getty Images).

  • When you feel tension, from time to time make a loud exclamation accompanied by a deep and prolonged exhalation. Repeat the exercise several times a day.

  • Make exaggerated gestures by stretching and contracting facial muscles. If you can look at yourself in the mirror, laugh at yourself.

  • When thoughts stun and cause tension, close your eyes and utter out loud for ten minutes babbling and meaningless sounds, speak a language you do not know, accompany the exercise allowing free and spontaneous movement of your whole body.

  • To shake off the accumulated tension in the body, stand with your feet rooted to the floor at the same distance from your shoulders, knees bent, hip, neck and arms loose, shake your entire body for ten minutes without lifting your feet off the ground but With your whole body beating vigorously, when finished, close your eyes, breathe and feel the relief of the discharge. Keep breathing.

  • Grab a cushion or punching bag, hit it, and unload all aggressive body impulses and mind tensions in a safe place, without holding back, hurting yourself, or hurting others. Cry and scream at that moment if you need to. Then close your eyes and breathe consciously.

  • Dance with your eyes closed what provokes you and the way it provokes you, allowing your body to express itself spontaneously and freely, without choreography, without taking care that you are seen well or badly. Observe your breathing, your emotions and sensations, allow yourself to express them freely. Do it for ten, twenty, thirty minutes, as long as you can.

We are not talking about a minor topic. The self-regulation of mothers favors the state of health and well-being that is adequate for ourselves as well as to care for our little ones from a calm and quality connection.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "No one will be exempt. The result of the work of Parenting will sooner or later affect society as a whole. Everyone, whether we are parents or not, is called to support loving parenting. We must not leave mothers alone.“data-reactid =” 70 “> No one will be exempt. The result of the upbringing of mothers will sooner or later affect the entire society equally. Everyone, whether or not we are parents, we are called to support a loving upbringing. We must not leave mothers alone.

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