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Mothers gathered in Gargždai pray not only for their children

The members of “Motinas maldaje” are grateful to the respected pastor, Canon Jonas Paulauskas, for his support and the warm, cozy Parish house, where they choose to pray, communicate, seek strength, wisdom and peace. They return home stronger, ready to withstand life’s tests, to bring the light of faith to the hearts of others. New members of “Mother in prayer” are also welcome in the parish house.
“I would like to thank the team of our prayer group – sisters in prayer – for the long-term fellowship, support and strengthening in learning to become a leader, for ideas and help in preparing for the Žemaitija “Mother’s prayer” group convention celebration, which will be held in Gargždaii on May 11, to priest Mindaugas Stonis, who joins for our prayers”, said D. Venckuvienė.

The most precious, the most loved ones for children are their mothers, and nothing is more precious to them than children. Whether they are still small, grown up, or already raising children themselves, they are always in the minds and hearts of mothers. Maternal love also inspired the global movement “Motinas maldaje”, and this prayer group in Gargždai will celebrate its tenth anniversary this year. Laimutė Pranaitienė from Gargždi, who led it, and Danguolė Venckuvienė, who recently replaced her, told about the group’s activities and what praying mothers desire.
Started a prayer group
The “Mother’s Prayer” movement in 1995 Founded in England by two Catholic mothers, Veronica Williams and her sister-in-law Sandra. Very quickly, the movement became international, now spread to more than 140 countries around the world.
Gargždiškė L. Pranaitienė with several parishioners went to Klaipėda St. The prayer group in the Kazimierz parish, which was led by priest Juozapas Pudžemys, the pioneer of the “Mother’s prayer” movement in Lithuania and Kretinga. “He told me sternly: ‘Until you establish a group in Gargždai, you can’t come again.’ Then mother Stasele and I went to the Rev. canon pastor Jonas Paulauskas, we received a blessing and started the movement”, L. Pranaitienė remembered the beginning of the group’s foundation in Gargždai. Now there are about 30 mothers in the “Motinas Maldaje” group in Gargždai, who pray for their children and those of the whole world. According to L. Pranaitienė, new members are constantly adding to the group, mothers from any denomination can join it, those who are expecting, those who have already raised their children, those who do not have their own children, who want to pray for baptism, confirmation and the whole world children.
The members of “Motinas maldaje” meet every Monday in Gargždai, in the parish house, on Žemaitė street. They pray divided into two groups. A cross, a candle, the Holy Scriptures, a basket for cards with children’s names and a request notebook are respectfully placed on the table, where the praying women write down their requests, which they do not say out loud. “A circular card is like a symbol of a mother’s love for her children, because that love, like a circle, has neither beginning nor end. A single mother’s prayer is personal, but you are not strong alone. Spiritual strength is where there is more prayer. After all, Jesus also says: “Where there are two or three, there I am with you”, L. Pranaitienė, who led the prayer group for almost ten years, is convinced. Having received the foundations of her faith from her believing parents (Laimutė keeps the relic of her parents – a cross, a picture of the Virgin Mary), aunts and those around her, who by their example showed strong and living faith and piety, L. Pranaitienė begins the morning and ends the day with prayer, and this is a direct communication with the Lord, expressing thanks and requests.
Continues work
Danguolė Venckuvienė has been continuing the work of L. Pranaitienė, the founder of “Motinas maldaje”, since last spring. “Last year, a meeting of all Lithuanian mothers took place in Kretinga. For some time now, Laimute has been urging me to make a decision and replace her, to become the leader of the group. All this time I asked God what I should do, if he would send me any signs. I doubted whether I would be able to do it”, said D. Venckuvienė about the difficult decision. She wants to make life more beautiful in all her activities, and traveling with God is never boring – there are many trials, works, gifts, surprises, fellowship, joy… “Faith instilled by my grandmother, participation in retreats, service at Mary’s school, singing at Gargžda St. in the choir of St. Michael the Archangel Church, and earlier in the Klaipėda choir “Jėga”, Family Center camps, spiritual events, long-term participation in the prayer group, the Living Rosary Society, “Alfa” courses, books read, great people I met, support from relatives, work at the Gargžda social service center – all activities, past and present, have led me to the path I am on. I can share my abilities, serve others,” Danguolė admitted, grateful for the gifts of life and the people she met. The woman is convinced that prayer, without which she cannot imagine her life, is not a concert of wishes, but over time what is asked of God happens.

I will celebrate the anniversary
In October, the Gargždas “Motinas maldaje” group, which already has its own flag, will turn 10 years old. However, the anniversary will be commemorated earlier in the “Mother’s prayer”, because in Gargždai on May 11. a meeting of mothers of all Žemaitija will be held. It will start at 12:00. St. Mass at Gargžda St. Archangel Michael Church. As Danguolė said, about 40 guests from all over Žemaitija are planning to participate: “We will invite them to a tour of Gargždas by Mantas Užgalis, the historian of the Gargždas Regional Museum. Acquaintance with the history of the city will begin with the church.”
As L. Pranaitienė and D. Venckuvienė told, the prayer group gathered in Gargždaii visits the mothers of other cities every year, where they are invited on the occasion of holidays. The members of the “Motinas maldaje” group have walked from Klaipėda to Palanga, and the furthest hike took place five years ago, when they traveled from Kretinga to the Hill of Kryžių with a prayer to celebrate the 20th anniversary of “Motinas maldaje” in Lithuania. 8 mothers from Gargždi also participated in the five-day walk.
Photo of the author and personal archive.

#Mothers #gathered #Gargždai #pray #children
– 2024-05-05 21:17:30

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