Home » Entertainment » “Mother’s Day Concert Featuring Latvian Songs by Vocal Ensemble ‘Šokolāde'”

“Mother’s Day Concert Featuring Latvian Songs by Vocal Ensemble ‘Šokolāde'”

The concert will take place on May 14 at 2 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Latvian Society of Liepāja.

The program includes songs by Latvian authors from the repertoire of the vocal ensemble “Šokolāde”.

“With this concert, we will greet mothers, grandmothers, godmothers on the holiday and at the same time we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of our ensemble,” reveals Daiga Ozola, the artistic director of the vocal ensemble “Shokołade”.

The concert will be filled with performances by the children’s vocal ensemble “Pērlītes” under the leadership of Iveta Loginas and the actors of the Liepāja Theater – Everita Pjata and Kārlis Elvis Artejevs, who will both sing and take on the roles of leaders of the event.

The musical accompaniment will be played by a group of musicians led by Normund Kalniņas.

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