Marielle Faldmo (55) is a familiar face in Trysil. She always stands up for the local community, which she is so fond of.
It is not without reason that she has been nicknamed “Mor Trysil”.
She runs “Marielle’s snack bar” in Trysilfjellet and is involved in everything that happens all the time. However, things went very wrong in space Christmas, and the active lifestyle came to an abrupt halt.
– I didn’t know who I was, where I was, or even what season it was, Faldmo tells Dagbladet.
It was The Easterner who first mentioned the matter.
Argued for a pap smear – got a shock message
Went in black
A few days earlier, the otherwise active lady had suffered from motion sickness. When she felt bad again during Christmas, she thought it had returned.
But the nausea didn’t go away, and Faldmo ended up just lying on her own bathroom floor in her home. In the end, she felt compelled to report to work that she had to take a sick day.
– I don’t really remember that I took time off, but I obviously did, says Faldmo, who can tell you that her threshold for taking time off from work is very high.
Faldmo will therefore only be away from work for one day before she returns to the workplace she loves so much. Then things go dark.
She gets in the car and drives to work, but stops at a barrier outside work and stays in the car.
– I couldn’t see and didn’t recognize anyone around me, not even my friend.
Then the friend realized that something was seriously wrong, and drove Faldmo to the emergency room where an extremely high blood pressure was measured.
– Then it was straight to the intensive care unit where they took all the samples.
For a full eight days, the bubbly and active lady will be in the intensive care unit. For the first four days she was unable to communicate and understood nothing of where she was or who those around her were.
– I realized that something was wrong, but I couldn’t understand what people were saying and I couldn’t communicate.

Death suddenly: – Terrible
– Thankful
After several days in the hospital in Elverum, she finally came to the hooks again. Then Faldmo realized how lucky she had been.
She had cerebral edema. A condition where there is an abnormal amount of fluid in the brain tissue and which can potentially be fatal, according to Large Norwegian encyclopedia.
– I have drawn the lucky draw, says a relieved Faldmo.
A few years ago, Faldmo had cancer. Afterwards, she was told by the doctor to take medication for high blood pressure.
– Of course I didn’t, recalls Faldmo thoughtfully.
Now she praises the hospital in Elverum and describes both the doctor and the nurses as “fantastic”. She has received a clear message from the doctor that she must keep calm, and this time she guarantees that she will listen to the advice.
– I don’t think I can stand one more blow like that, says Faldmo, and says that she has had to work on herself to manage to stay calm.
– I have to talk to myself a little positively and think that I have wonderful employees, friends and family who stand up, I am in good hands and have survived after all. Then I just have to be extremely grateful.
Faldmo still has a swelling in her head and says that she feels pressure in her eyes and head when she exerts herself too much.
– Now I’m on sick leave for at least four weeks, but I’ll be back soon, says a determined Faldmo.