Home » today » World » Mother shaved and “donated 25 million naked net worth” Daughter did not have half a cent … Painful loan to go to college | International | CTWANT extension

Mother shaved and “donated 25 million naked net worth” Daughter did not have half a cent … Painful loan to go to college | International | CTWANT extension

It’s unheard of! There is a mother in Shanghai, China who decided to become a monk three years ago. She sold her real estate worth 5.88 million yuan (about NT $25.56 million) and donated all of her. Although she has the support of her parents, her daughter needs to apply for a student loan to go to college, I too agree with my mother’s approach and the news has caused a lot of controversy.

The woman in the long robe revealed that she is a devout Buddhist, she decided to become a monk in 2019 and sold a property worth 5.88 million yuan in Shanghai, she did not leave it to her children or parents and she gave it all Coming out, “My parents are still very relieved. She said your money is your money, and what you do is up to you,” but the daughter could not understand.

The woman’s parents supported her decision, but the daughter did not understand. (Image / flip from Weibo)

The woman explained that her daughter has a student loan for college and may need to get a certificate of qualification after graduation. She might even get married when she grows up and she has to buy a house. She definitely hopes her mother can subsidize her to some extent. “She still doesn’t get it.” . After converting to Buddhism, parents and children are people in the mortal world, she can understand that she has doubts and even some anger (anger) about the sale of the house and bare donation.

After the incident was discovered, heated discussions arose, and netizens were amazed: “You are joining a cult”, “Don’t ask your daughter to support you in the future”, “You better not let your daughter serve when you’re old”, “You are hypocritical and commit crimes”, “I don’t think it’s normal”, “Then why have children, don’t go out early and late”, “Go crazy”.

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