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Mother of Schoolgirl Suicide Victim Leads Fight Against Bullying: An Interview with Betty Gervois

In a brightly colored flower dress, Betty Gervois stands straight, next to her lawyer Pierre Debuisson. In front of them, a forest of microphones and cameras. The mother of Lindsay, the schoolgirl from Vendin-le-Vieil (Pas-de-Calais) who killed herself on May 12 following the school harassment of which she was the victim, made her mourning a national tragedy. This Wednesday, we met her for a long time, after her press briefing in front of the Elysee Palace where she had just spoken for two hours with Brigitte Macron.

They say there is nothing worse than losing a child. How do you manage to hold and honor all these media and political appointments?
I lead a fight. I will fight until the end. When I denounced the school harassment suffered by Lindsay, with the police of Lens, of the Bracke-Desrousseaux college where she was educated, of the Lille academy, I was not heard at all. We were let go, before, during and after the tragedy. Today, things are moving a little, there is a real awareness. With what happened to my daughter, I get a lot of testimonials from people, on the street or on social networks, asking me what to do. Who tell me that they, or their child, is being bullied. Hundreds of posts. It is also for them that I fight.

You were very close to your daughter. When did you put the words “school bullying” on what she was going through?
I knew it from the start. Lindsay told me everything. Yes, we were very, very close together. You know when my daughter looked at me and said “I got insulted again”… I couldn’t help but react.

You first alerted the management of the college, in particular the principal, against whom you recently filed a complaint.
The only time the college principal received me, he told me that it was up to me to punish my daughter, to confiscate her cell phone. I did it. I have tried everything. In her suicide note, found by my companion François – Lindsay’s dear father – she clearly accuses him. When I asked to see him after discovering this letter, he didn’t even receive me. It was the CPE that I saw, while the principal was in the establishment at that time.

Do you think there is a problem at Bracke-Desrousseaux college?
You know, it’s not just her in college, there are a lot of them. Since the tragedy happened, people are talking. I have two boys 9 and 4 years old, I’m scared when they will enter college. I fight for them too.

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Does your fight help you to hold on?
Before meeting Mrs. Macron, I spent my morning at the cemetery. You have to be standing all the time. At night, it is particularly horrible. You do not sleep. That’s why I care today, for this fight that goes beyond my daughter. Also, it’s silly but I think she’s coming back. I don’t think I realized. It seems to be normal. When a death occurs, there are several steps to go through.

You are supported by your companion François, by your family.
Yes, fortunately they are there. Coming out of the two-hour meeting with Brigitte Macron, when I was walking next to my lawyer Pierre Debuisson, I was a little lost. Sometimes I want to let go of everything because deep down, I know she won’t come back. But I cling to all the support that is given to me. In the street just now, a gentleman stopped me. He recognized me as I was on TV. He said to me: Courage, we are with you. It is heartwarming. From college I received no mail, no one came to the first white march, no one came to the funeral. I’m talking about the leaders, because there were Lindsay’s comrades.

At first glance, Lindsay did not have a victim profile as one might imagine. This shows that school bullying can affect all children.
Exactly. Lindsay had a boyfriend for two months. Djany, he was very shy. Me, I liked it. He only spoke to her through text messages, and when he saw her, he seemed embarrassed. It was cute. Lindsay was not withdrawn, she was smiling and full of life. She loved singing, dancing… Passions she shared with her godfather, my brother Corentin. When we found the suicide note in early February, we talked for an hour and a half in his room. Lindsay told me ” it did me good to have spoken. I had dark thoughts, I don’t have them anymore “. Today, I know that she wanted to reassure me.

What do you think triggered the harassment?
Jealousy, I think. When I see the messages on the physical, like “your mouth full of pimples” … I tell myself that was it. Lindsay told me no, she wasn’t afraid of her stalkers. In fact today I know yes. Those lyrics are so mean… It’s awful. The mother of one of the four stalkers has been indicted for death threats. She is free under judicial supervision. When I see what her daughter wrote to mine, I tell myself that it’s also her education, her mother’s behavior may have pushed her to do that.

Have you heard of the pHARe anti-harassment program, deployed at Bracke-Desrousseaux college since the start of the 2022 school year?
Never. I have tried everything. If I had known, I would have tried that too.

You file a complaint against the police, for failure to assist a person in danger. How were you received in February at the Lens police station? The person who received me was very nice. What I denounce is that nothing was done afterwards in the investigation.

Why did you seem so disappointed when you left the meeting with Pap N’Diaye?Me, I hate lies. But the minister started with a lie, he said he had tried to contact me when it is false. And then I had the impression of annoying him. He told me he was in mourning, that he thought of Lindsay every day. I found it inappropriate. But that’s all, I have no animosity. I just want all those responsible to be judged and admit their fault.

How do you imagine the rest of your fight?
National Education fell on a warrior. I won’t let go. They may try to sink the case but they won’t succeed. For my part, I did everything, I alerted. I know I shouldn’t feel guilty. The only thing I blame myself for is that I wasn’t there at the exact moment when… but we won’t make history again.

2023-06-11 07:05:51
#Betty #Gervois #Lindsays #mother #JDD #National #Education #fell #warrior

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