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“Mother of Michigan School Shooter Testifies, Admits Horror of Son’s Deadly Rampage”

Mother of Michigan School Shooter Testifies, Admits Horror of Son’s Deadly Rampage

The courtroom was filled with tension as Jennifer Crumbley, the mother of Ethan Crumbley, took the stand on the sixth day of her son’s trial. Emotions ran high as surveillance footage of the deadly school shooting at Oxford High School was played, leaving Jennifer and her lawyer, Shannon Smith, visibly distraught. The footage showcased the horrifying rampage that took the lives of four innocent individuals on November 30, 2021, when Ethan was just 15 years old.

As a parent, Jennifer Crumbley expressed the unimaginable pain she felt upon realizing that her own child had caused such devastation. “You spend your whole life trying to protect your child from other dangers,” she told the court. “You never would think you’d have to protect your child from harming somebody else… That was the hardest I had to stomach, that my child harmed and killed other people.”

The courtroom was filled with a heavy atmosphere as Jennifer and her lawyer watched the footage in disbelief. They shared a moment of solace, embracing each other, seeking comfort amidst the overwhelming sorrow.

In her testimony, Jennifer revealed details about her son’s hobbies and interests, shedding light on his life before the tragic incident. Ethan enjoyed shooting a BB gun and practicing target shooting in their backyard. He also had a passion for video games and collecting coins. Jennifer believed that she had created an environment where her son could openly discuss his mental health problems with her. She trusted him and felt that he could confide in her about anything.

When questioned about seeking professional help for her son’s mental health issues, Jennifer stated that she didn’t believe he needed a psychiatrist. According to her testimony, Ethan only experienced anxiety before tests, and he never asked to see a mental health professional. However, disturbing details emerged from Ethan’s journal, which was presented as evidence during the trial. Entries included phrases like “I have zero help for my mental problems and it’s causing me to shoot up the f–king school” and “I’m about to shoot up the school and spend the rest of my life in prison.” The journal also contained drawings of guns and references to specific firearms.

Throughout the trial, Jennifer’s affair with Brian Meloche, which she had kept hidden from her son and husband, came to light. She referred to a friend of Ethan’s who had moved away earlier that year, describing him as her “second son.”

The court delved into the investigation conducted by Oakland County Sheriff’s Lt. Timothy Willis. He revealed that Ethan’s backpack contained over 90 sheets of paper, many of which featured images of firearms. Lt. Willis discussed Ethan’s journal, detailing the chilling passages that indicated his intentions to carry out the shooting.

The trial also unveiled the actions taken by law enforcement to apprehend Jennifer and her husband, James, following the shooting. The court learned that they had purchased burner phones, stayed in a hotel, and withdrawn large sums of money on multiple occasions. Jennifer admitted that she and her husband had taken Xanax the night before their arrest but claimed they had planned to turn themselves in the next day. However, they were abruptly awakened by police officers who stormed their home and took them into custody.

The devastating shooting at Oxford High School claimed the lives of four individuals, including Justin Shiling, Madisyn Baldwin, Hana St. Juliana, and Tate Myre. Days later, Jennifer and James Crumbley were charged in connection with their son’s actions. Lt. Willis testified that he had deployed the fugitive apprehension team to locate the couple, knowing they were not at home during the time of the shooting.

As Jennifer Crumbley’s trial continues, the courtroom remains gripped by the heart-wrenching testimonies and evidence presented. The devastating impact of school shootings reverberates through the lives of all those affected, leaving a scar on communities that will never fully heal.


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