Home » today » World » Mother of deceased baby in pond in Belgium is underage girl | Abroad

Mother of deceased baby in pond in Belgium is underage girl | Abroad

The mother of the child is now known to us, the prosecutor’s office told Het Nieuwsblad. Police have yet to say whether the girl has reported herself. “Her statement about the circumstances of the facts are now part of the investigation,” said public prosecutor Lieselotte Claessens.

“The initial findings of the investigation indicate that it would be a fully-grown newborn baby. The body would have been in the water for some time.” According to the spokesperson, the investigating judge now wants to wait for the results of the autopsy and only release more information on Monday.

A group of hikers found the body on Saturday in a pond in nature reserve Blaasveldbroek in Willebroek. It was the neighbors of Yolande Emmerechts from the Broekstraat who found the body along the side of the pond. Her husband and next door neighbor were also on the scene. “The police took good care of our neighbors across the street,” Yolande told Het Nieuwsblad.

“The man stood firm and made a statement. His wife was very shocked. She was offered victim support, but she declined. We have a good relationship here in the neighborhood and are there to support each other.”

‘Devastated by sadness’

The incident caused quite a stir in the neighbourhood. The neighbor is ‘devastated with grief’, other residents explain to Het Laatste Nieuws.

Justice confirms the find. A forensic lab worker and a doctor were sent to the site for further investigation. An investigating judge was also appointed. The area around the pond was thoroughly investigated and a team of divers searched for traces in the water.

At the moment it is unclear what exactly happened. The prosecutor’s office assumes a suspicious death, but says that “to keep all scenarios open.”


The area was released again around 5 p.m. on Saturday after an investigation around the pond. The body will be further examined. An autopsy will take place on Sunday. The results of that investigation should provide more clarity about the cause of death of the child.

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