▲The young mother died of abdominal distension a few weeks later. (Image/Piqsels)
I thought I was about to usher in a new life, but it turned out to be the end of my life. A 33-year-old woman in Scotland, England, suffered from vomiting and abdominal distension for two consecutive months. She went to see a doctor thinking she might be pregnant. Unexpectedly, she was told by the doctor that she only had 6 months to a year left to live.
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According to the Daily Mail, Fiona Gallacher from North Lanarkshire was immediately transferred to the emergency room and other departments after she was diagnosed with a negative pregnancy diagnosis in January this year. He was diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma (Adenocarcinoma; a cancerous tumor that can occur in several parts of the body).
Gallagher was told that he had only half a year to a year to live. Although he actively fought against the disease, the disease deteriorated faster than doctors expected. He died of the disease on March 22 after only 11 weeks of fighting, which shocked and saddened his family and friends.
Gallagher’s sister said that this is too unreal. Her sister’s children, ages 16, 15, 7 and 3, lost their mother in a short period of time. She revealed that her sister initially dismissed the severe stomach pain as a simple discomfort, but later her abdomen became swollen as if she was actually pregnant. I hope my sister’s experience can alert everyone and never ignore any symptoms or downplay any abnormalities you feel.
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Adenocarcinoma may occur in different organs and parts of the body, and some patients may not have symptoms until late stages. Common adenocarcinomas include breast cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer, lung adenocarcinoma, intestinal cancer, kidney cancer, and cervical cancer. The treatment method depends on Depending on the location and size of the tumor, surgical resection, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy may be used.
Further reading
▸ “Eye in the sky” alarms Kinmen weather station to reveal weather may change
▸ Baolin’s substitute chef complained that “the boss ordered all the ingredients” and was stunned when he saw the “number of working days” online: It’s illegal, right?
▸ The supervisor asked a female employee to control her bowel movements… “You can only take a big size during breaks.” Netizens said: Ask him to demonstrate first
2024-03-29 16:44:00
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