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Mother and Child Murder in Subang, this is Amelia’s boyfriend’s confession about the victim’s photo on IG

SUBANG, iNews.id – Dicky, the girlfriend of Amelia Mustika Ratu (23) finally spoke up regarding the issue of the victim’s photos being deleted on Instagram (IG). The man who has been dating Amelia for a long time stated that he did not delete the victim’s photo, but hid it so that it would not become public consumption.

The reason was that Dicky felt sorry for the deceased person he loved and cared about. Moreover, Amelia tragically died, killed by the perpetrators on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at dawn.

To reporters, Dicky said that on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, he had communicated with his girlfriend through WhatsApp messages.

“At that time my girlfriend (Amelia) last sent a message at 22:47 WIB. I asked, what are you doing? Amel replied, playing a game on a tablet,” said Dicky.

This information, said Dicky, was mentioned in the minutes of examination (BAP) when he was examined as a witness by Satreskrim investigators. Subang Police Station. Dicky also showed evidence of other messages on his cellphone when communicating with the victim.

During the interview with the reporter, Dicky clarified the news about the deletion of the victim’s photos on Amelia’s personal Instagram account. The news stated that the victim’s photos were deleted by the perpetrator.

Editor: And Warsudi

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