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Motels and residences in Bucaramanga can now operate

In Bucaramanga, motels and residences can now start operating. This was stated by Luis Niño, coordinator of basic sanitation of the Municipality.

“We, from the Ministry of Health, will be verifying the protocols, their implementation and presentation during the inspection visits,” said the official.

The reopening of these establishments is in compliance with resolution 1285 of July 29, 2020 of the Ministry of Health.

According to the Mayor’s Office, since last week some of these establishments in the Santander capital began to operate, after adopting all the measures established by the health authorities.

According to Niño, for the service provided in motels and residences, “every time a room is used, all the protection elements must be changed. Likewise, this space must be completely disinfected” .

Other mandatory measures to enter these places is the use of a mask, hand washing and taking the temperature. On the part of the establishment, actions of cleaning, disinfection, waste management and optimization of the ventilation of the places must be implemented.

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