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Most short-time work in the metal and electrical industry – Baden-Württemberg

Stuttgart / Dusseldorf (dpa / lsw) – Short-time work due to the corona crisis has particularly affected regions with a high proportion of companies from the metal and electrical industry as well as vacation areas in Germany. This was the result of an analysis for the union-related Hans Böckler Foundation. The south-west is therefore particularly affected: While the rate of short-time work displayed is below 25 percent, for example in the university town of Freiburg, it is almost 46 percent in the district of Böblingen (with the Daimler location in Sindelfingen).

The nationwide average displayed short-time work, however, was a good 31 percent in April. Locations with a strong automotive industry in particular showed high rates of short-time work, according to the study by the Economic and Social Sciences Institute (WSI) of the Böckler Foundation. In contrast, in regions where the pharmaceutical and chemical industries play a major role, the rates are much lower – for example in Ludwigshafen with less than twelve percent.

The tourist regions are also affected – such as counties such as Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald with over 41 percent of short-time work indicated or Oberallgäu with over 40 percent.

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