Jakarta, Selular.ID – Telegram recently recorded 25 million new users over the last 72 hours, according to Telegram founder Pavel Durov, the Telegram app reached 500 million active users, a feat the company has been slowly achieving since crossing 400 million users in 2020.
And this number continues to grow. In the last 72 hours as of January 12, 2021, there were 25 million new users joining Telegram, from all over the world with a presentation of 38%, consisting of Asia, 27% from Europe, 21% from Latin America, and 8% from the Middle and North East Africa.
This figure is a significant increase from last year where only 1.5 million new users registered every day.
Throughout its 7-year history of operation, Telegram has experienced several hikes in the number of downloads but this time round was the most significant.
In its official statement, this surge in downloads shows that the public now increasingly understands the importance of personal data and is unwilling to exchange their privacy for use by communication platforms that sell personal data for business purposes.
With half a billion active users and an accelerating growth rate, Telegram claims to have become the largest secure communication platform for its users who prioritizes privacy and security.
As Telegram promises, this app does not monetize personal data. Telegram is committed to protecting personal data and always puts its users as priority.
Telegram will never monetize users ‘personal data for profiling for targeted advertising and since the launch day in August 2013, Telegram has never disclosed a single byte of its users’ personal data to third parties.
Encrypted telegram. Every chat on Telegram has been securely encrypted since the first application was launched, in contrast to some other private messaging applications that only use common encryption protocols.
Also Read:Telegram Records 500 Million Active Users
Telegram supports two layers of secure encryption. Telegram has end-to-end Secret Chats and Cloud Chats which also offer secure and distributed cloud storage in real-time.
Telegram server-client encryption is used on Cloud Chats (private and group chats), while for those who need more privacy, Secret Chats that only Telegram has uses an additional layer of client-client encryption that will leave no trace on the server, supporting messages that can deleted automatically and does not allow messages to be forwarded.
In addition, Secret Chats is not part of the Telegram cloud and can only be accessed on the original device. This means that only users and recipients can read the message – no one else can decipher it, including Telegram itself. However, all data, regardless of type, is encrypted in the same way – be it text, media or files.