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Most coronavirus victims are in countries with low flu mortality, says Swedish epidemiologist

“When many people die of the flu in the winter, fewer die in the summer heat waves. In this case, it was covid-19 that caused many deaths, “Tegnell told Dagens Nyheter.

“In countries that have had low flu mortality in the last two or three years, such as Sweden, we have seen very high covid mortality. Those who had a high mortality rate from the flu, such as Norway, had a low mortality rate from covid. This trend can be seen in several countries, “he added. He mentioned, however, that this was not the only reason: “It may not be a complete explanation, but it is part of it. It also explains the high death toll in the UK and Belgium. “

Tegnell also admitted that the country had made mistakes in fighting the pandemic. The virus has spread in retirement homes in Sweden, where almost half of the victims come from. In May, Prime Minister Stefan Lofven admitted that the country had not done enough to protect vulnerable groups. Tegnell also admitted serious mistakes about retirement homes, but does not think closing the country would help.

In Sweden, 5,870 people died, which is much more per capita than in the other Nordic countries, but less than in Spain and Italy. Most people per million people died in Peru, where there are 966.79. It is followed by Belgium with 869.37, which also included suspected deaths from retirement homes in the statistics, the fifth is Spain with 642, the eighth Great Britain with 626, which started counting victims from retirement homes later, the tenth Italy with 589, followed by Sweden with 574.

Unlike other European countries, Sweden has not imposed severe restrictions, and primary and secondary schools have remained open, as have shops, bars and restaurants. Meetings of more than 50 people were forbidden and people over seventy or from vulnerable groups were advised to stay at home. The government did not even recommend wearing veils.

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