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Most Americans don’t want Biden and Trump to run for the White House again

Seven in 10 Americans (71 percent) do not want US President Joe Biden to run for re-electionindicated this Friday a survey, according to which a third of those citizens believe that they are too old.

The survey carried out jointly by the Center for Political Studies of Harvard University and by The Harris Poll indicates that Biden is seen as a bad president by the 45 percent of those who do not want him to continue in the White House after the 2024 presidential elections.

Biden, 79, would also receive only 30 percent support among Democrats in his own party’s primary.

His predecessor, the Republican Donald Trump76, garners similar discontent: a 61 percent would not want to see him lead the country again after his mandate from 2017 to 2021.

33 percent of those who do not support him believe that he would divide the country and believe that he was responsible for instigating the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, when a mob of his supporters stormed there while a joint session of chambers was being held to ratify Biden’s victory in the previous November election.

This survey was published on the same day that another stressed that, in the event that both were presented again for office in 2024, there would be practically a tie at the polls.

According to that survey, in this case from the private university Emerson College, located in Boston, Biden would collect 44 percent of the vote and Trump 39 percenteven though only one 40 percent of those surveyed consider that the current president is doing a good job.

Biden does not rule out trying to revalidate his position: “I am not worried about the legislative elections (in November) or if they generate more partisan obstruction. I am sure that we will be able to solve it in the six years that I have left in the Presidency,” he said last April 30 at the traditional White House correspondents’ dinner.

Biden defeated Trump in the November 7, 2020, election with 306 electoral votes, to Trump’s 232, and was sworn in on January 20, 2021 in a ceremony in which Trump became the first outgoing president in not attend the investiture of his successor.

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