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Most additions from DKI and East Java, Covid-19 RI Reaches 151,498 cases

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Corona virus cases in Indonesia are increasing again. Ministry of Health data as of 22 August 2020 shows an additional 2,090 daily cases. Total to 151,498 people.

The most additional cases were in DKI Jakarta with 588 people. Followed by East Java with 321 people, West Java with 134 people, East Kalimantan with 129 people, and Central Java with 100 people.

Meanwhile, 12 provinces recorded additional cases under 10 people and two provinces experienced zero new cases, namely Gorontalo and Riau Islands. Additional data on this new case were obtained from the test results on 24,749 specimens.

The number of patients who were declared cured increased by 2,207 people. Thus the total number of patients who have recovered to date has reached 105,198 patients. Most of them were from DKI Jakarta with 649 people. Followed by East Java with 402 people, South Kalimantan with 230 people, and West Java with 181 people.

Meanwhile, the number of patients who died due to the pandemic also increased by 94 people. Total to 6,594 people. Most of them are from East Java with 25 people. Followed by DKI Jakarta with 17 people and Central Java with 16 people.

In addition, the government also noted that as many as 75,457 people are currently suspected of being related to the transmission of the corona virus. The Covid-19 has spread in 34 Provinces and 485 Districts / Cities.

The government has until now continued to try to control the corona virus. One of them is by issuing a Presidential Instruction for violating health protocols. Likewise, working on the discovery of a corona vaccine. Most recently, Bio Farma has officially imported 50 million doses of vaccine concentrate from Sinovac, China.

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