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Mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus are detected in our region

provided by Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU)

West Nile virus has been detected in mosquito populations in our area. However, no human cases have been reported in our area so far this summer.

“The Eastern Ontario Health Unit is actively monitoring mosquitoes for West Nile virus,” said Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health. “This recent discovery demonstrates that West Nile virus remains a concern in our region. It is important that residents are aware and take precautions against the virus to protect themselves and their families.”

West Nile virus is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. For most people, the risk of illness from West Nile virus is low. However, the virus can cause serious illness in others.

To protect yourself outdoors, the BSEO recommends:

  • Wear shoes and socks, long pants and long-sleeved shirts if you will be outdoors for long periods or when mosquitoes are most active from dusk to dawn
  • Wear light-colored, tightly woven clothing
  • Wear a mosquito net jacket or hat
  • Consider using mosquito repellent as directed
  • Use a mosquito net or a structure with mosquito nets when sleeping outside

To control the mosquito population, you are encouraged to:

  • Clean and empty standing water containers outside – old tires, wheelbarrows, barrels, etc.
  • Change the water in bird baths at least once a week
  • Check the pool and make sure the pump is circulating the water
  • Tip over wading pools when not in use
  • Check and clean gutters and drains to remove any obstructions
  • Ensure drainage ditches are clear
  • Check for standing water on flat roofs
  • Perform yard and lawn maintenance regularly: collect and compost leaves or grass clippings, etc., which can serve as a food source for mosquito larvae
  • Turn the compost often and fill in low areas in the lawn
  • Trim dense bushes where mosquitoes rest

For more information, please contact the Eastern Ontario Health Unit at 613-933-1375 or 1-800-267-7120, or our website at BSEO.ca and click on the My Environment section.

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