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Mosque Loudspeaker Volume Maximum 100 Decibel

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas issued circular letter (SE) Number 05 of 2022 which regulates the use of loudspeakers in Indonesia mosque and musala.

One of the important points regulated in the circular is that the volume of mosque loudspeakers is at most 100 dB or decibels with no discordant sound.

“The loudspeaker volume is adjusted according to need, and is at most 100 dB (one hundred decibels),” said point 2c in the Minister of Religion’s SE, Monday (21/2)

“The sound that is transmitted through loudspeakers needs to be considered for its quality and feasibility, the sound that is broadcast meets the requirements: a. good or not discordant; and b. proper and correct pronunciation,” point 4 of the Minister of Religion.

Yaqut said the use of loudspeakers in mosques and prayer rooms is a necessity for Muslims as one of the media to spread Islam in the community.

At the same time the Indonesian people are also diverse in religion, belief, background so that efforts are needed to maintain brotherhood and social harmony.

“Guidelines are published as an effort to increase peace, order and harmony among citizens,” he said.

Yaqut said the distribution was also addressed to the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council, the Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council, the Leaders of Islamic Community Organizations, and Takmir/Mosque and Musala Administrators throughout Indonesia.

As a copy, this circular is also addressed to all Governors and Regents/Mayors throughout Indonesia.

“This guideline is to be a guideline in the use of loudspeakers in mosques and prayer rooms for managers (takmir) of mosques and prayer rooms and other related parties,” said Yaqut.

One of the distribution points is to arrange before the dawn call, the recitation of the Qur’an or selawat/tarhim can use the External Loudspeaker for a maximum period of 10 minutes. Then, the implementation of Subuh prayers, remembrance, prayers, and Subuh lectures using internal loudspeakers.

Meanwhile, before the call to prayer of Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha and Friday Prayers, the recitation of the Qur’an or selawat/tarhim can use the External Loudspeaker for a maximum period of 5 minutes. After the call to prayer is sounded, the internal loudspeaker is used.

Especially for Friday Prayers, the delivery of announcements regarding Friday officers, the results of alms infaq, the implementation of the Friday Prayer sermon, remembrance, and prayer, using internal loudspeakers.

“The loudspeaker volume is adjusted according to need, and is at most 100 dB (one hundred decibels),” reads one of the points of the circular.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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