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Moselle. Small towns can drop the mask

The prefect of Moselle approaches with confidence the new stage of deconfinement which begins this Wednesday, with, in particular, the reopening of shops and terraces. “The improvement is clear and offers encouraging prospects,” Laurent Touvet stressed Tuesday at the time of the health press point. “In one month, the incidence rate was divided by three. Today there are 90 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, or less than 1 infected / 1,000 people, ”reports the State representative. A ratio to be compared to 300 cases / 100,000 on April 20. Above all, there are only 37 cases / 100,000 for those over 65.

From there to seeing one of the effects of vaccination, it is only a step that the speaker takes with the consent of Marie-Odile Saillard, Director General of CHR Metz-Thionville, and Lamia Himer, regional delegate of the Regional Health Agency. For the latter, such an indicator means that vaccination helps to curb contagion, vaccinated people transmitting less, or not, the disease.

Gradual lifting of restrictions

Palpable, the recession relieves the hospital. Which listed Monday 325 Covid cases hospitalized in Moselle (- 40% in one month) including 63 in critical care (- 50% in one month). “Indicators which come to consolidate the calendar of the government of a progressive lifting of the restrictions”, analyzes Laurent Touvet, which however warns against any relaxation of the barrier measures. At the stage of this May 19, which concretizes the passage to 9 p.m. of the curfew, the reopening of shops, terraces as well as cultural and sporting places (under certain conditions), will follow those of June 9 and 30. The latter will then mark the lifting of the last constraints. A calendar, however, conditioned on confirmation of the improvement. In the immediate future, the inhabitants of the rural communes (less than 2,500 inhabitants) will be able to fall the mask outside – “except in the markets and during the important gatherings”. On the other hand, its wearing remains obligatory in the 83 communes (out of 725) of more than 2,500 inhabitants.

” Back to normal “

With 53,000 injections (including 47,000 in the centers) recorded last week, the vaccination campaign is in full swing. More than 336,000 Mosellans received one or two doses (32.4% of the population) of which 166,000 received two doses. That is to say 85% of over 70s and 66% of Mosellans aged 60 to 69. Open to over 50s without conditions, the campaign also concerns all adults who can get an appointment overnight in the event of a vaccine surplus. “Finally, our activity will be able to reorient itself on our mission to treat all pathologies other than Covid”, assures Marie-Odile Saillard.

Which evokes the “disarmament mechanism” now at work, in order to allow a “return to normalcy” in hospital services by 1is June. Visits can thus be authorized again. But there again, “progressivity” remains the watchword of an administration which does not wish to be taken by surprise, in the event of a sudden relapse of the indicators.

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