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Moselle. In Rouhling, the Mayer bakery becomes the Fass house

Since 1is March, Sandra and Christian Faas took over Frédéric Mayer’s bakery in Rouhling. The end of a twenty-five-year history for the former owner, the beginning of an exciting adventure for new bakers, with a clientele to convince.

Par Florian CHAMBON

07:00 | updated at 2:55 PM

This Wednesday 1is mars will long be remembered by Christian and Sandra Faas. That morning, and even if their name does not yet appear on the facade of the establishment, they opened the doors of their bakery for the first time, in Rouhling.

Until the day before, legally at least, the store located at 10 avenue de la Paix was that of Frédéric Mayer. “I took over the business in May 1997, he recalls. The owner before me was Louis Fersing, he was retiring. I was 25, I left the corner of Thionville and landed here with my family. »

“A year ago, I decided to stop to go to other projects, he continues. I want to go back to my roots, to go back to my region of origin. I got to know the Faa through the mill that supplies me. At the time of the meeting, Christian is a baker for another craftsman and Sandra is a saleswoman in a newsagent.

Heart stroke

“We wanted a change of scenery, to set up on our own, to work for us, explains Sandra Faas. We were looking for a business to take over and we fell in love with the Mayer bakery and the municipality of Rouhling. “The same as I had 25 years earlier,” smiles Frédéric Mayer.

The machine starts up so that goodwill and walls are sold. It was recorded on February 28, when it was signed at the notary. The installation is still in progress in the shop, which the couple will reorganize. He also did not settle in the apartment adjoining the store, which the former owner had not finished moving.

“As I’m still in the boxes, I don’t quite realize what’s going on,” confides Frédéric Mayer. In a week, when I’m going to release everything, it’s going to make me very funny. And I think that in terms of sensations, it’s going to be a little more than the twinge in my heart that I had this morning. »

” A new life “

Nostalgia on one side, haste on the other. “I’m really excited about this new adventure, exclaims Christian Faas. A new life is starting. We lived in Forbach, we sold everything to come here. It’s like a leap into the void. “Even if we are far from starting from scratch. We already have Frédéric’s solid clientele,” adds Sandra Faas.

Clientele who discovered, this 1is March, the faces of those who would henceforth make their baguettes and cakes. The opportunity for some to encourage these beginnings. ” I wish you much success ! says a customer, before leaving, loaf of bread under her arm.

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