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Moselle. At the E2C in Forbach, Alph Lorraine allowed young people to express themselves through music

This Thursday, February 9, the School of the second chance received in its premises the artist Alph Lorraine, interpreter of the Patelins Lorraine. About thirty young people from the E2Cs of Forbach, Metz-Borny, Woippy and Thionville benefited from a musical workshop. A day in good humor and exchange.

Par Myriam DHUPAR


The Second Chance School of Forbach (E2C) received local artist Alph Lorraine on Thursday 9 February. In a good mood, the thirty trainees from the E2Cs of Forbach, Metz-Borny, Woippy and Thionville benefited from a musical workshop. An opportunity to allow them to express themselves differently and to open up to the cultural world.

The trainer who recently arrived at the E2C in Forbach, Sabrina Ingenito, is behind this project. “It was obvious that I proposed a musical project,” she says, smiling. The project of this musical workshop was possible thanks to Alf Lorraine, her cousin, whom she asked to intervene. “It’s important for young people to be able to sing what they can’t say,” says the referent.

A full program

The trainees started the morning with the explanations of the artist concerning the techniques to be used for the writing of a text and the musical composition. The trainees instinctively divided into two groups: the boys on one side with their rap tendencies, the girls on the other with softer rhythms.

Girls and boys worked on a common project, where each of the trainees came up with their own sentences. As for the musical composition, Matéo produced a unanimously approved soundtrack. “I didn’t expect people to take my production like that,” breathes the stunned young man.

Inspiration at the rendezvous

Once the techniques were well transmitted to the trainees, they had to compose and write on a common subject and not just any one: E2C. “Once they had the subject, it went super fast”, assures Alph Lorraine who says he is “very proud of them”. With the production of Matéo and the written text, the two groups trained on their own before rehearsing all together. “A very big success”, according to Sabrina Ingenito.

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The trainees of the E2C of Forbach in full recorded rehearsal. Photo RL / Myriam DHUPAR

Go further

On February 22, the Universal Sound studio in Œting will come to the E2C in Forbach to record this project on which the trainees worked. This song they wrote and composed is already titled L’anthem de l’E2C.

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