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Moscow: “Vatican mediation is good to quell the conflict”. Russian cruiser spotted off the coast of Puglia – Live

13 June 2022


Dnipropetrovsk region, damaged asylum

The “enemy bombings have damaged an asylum in the community of Zelenodolsk of the region of Dnipropetrovsk“In central-eastern Ukraine. She writes it Ukrinform, stating that the school was bombed in the night. “The situation in the Zelenodolsk community is very tense. The enemy acts in a chaotic and rather cruel way, ”the head of the military administration of the Kryvyi Rih district, Yevhen Sytnychenko, wrote on Telegram.
According to the same source, in the late evening of yesterday Zelenodolsk was the target of “enemy fire”, with “the invaders” hitting an apartment. One woman was killed, and five were injured.

13 June 2022


“Weapons don’t come as fast as they should”

Military supplies from the West to Ukraine are not arriving “as quickly as they should”. She stated it to the Bbc the advisor to the Ukrainian Defense Minister, Yuri Sakhowever, specifying that his government is grateful for the weapons it has received so far from Western countries.
“We are a bit worried, there is not a sufficient understanding of the level of the threat we are facing and that Europe is facing”, continued Sak, then speaking of the situation in Severodonetsk, in the eastern region of Donbass. The Ukrainian army, he said, continues to protect the city “with what it can”, but would have been “much more efficient in repelling the enemy and clearing Ukrainian land if it had received more heavy weapons”. Russia’s military advantage, he added, is overwhelming. “On average, they shoot about 50 thousand shots a day, literally means a barrage of mortar rounds, aerial bombardments, missile attacks “and” at the moment there is not even a Ukrainian city that is not in the risk zone. Just today there was a missile attack in one of the cities of the Chernihiv region, which is not located in the east of Ukraine, ”he concluded.

13 June 2022


Zelensky: “Mariupol will be liberated”

“Nell’eighth anniversary of the release of Mariupol from pro-Russian terrorists, we are once again fighting for this city and for all of Ukraine. As then, in 2014, Mariupol will be free again. The Ukrainian flag will return there, as well as in every city and village where the occupiers have arrived. Because this is our country and our people ”. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wrote it on Telegram referring to the fact that in 2014 Mariupol was under the control of the militants of the self-proclaimed Republic of Donetsk for a month.

13 June 2022


“Industrial loss per 40 billion hryvnia”

From the start of the war it would amount to 40 billion hryvnia the loss for the Ukrainian nuclear industry. To reveal it, according to what he reports economic truth is the president of Nnegc Energoatom, Petro Kotin. The losses are mainly related to buildings destroyed during bombing, fires and damaged equipment at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. According to Kotin, since the beginning of the Russian invasion, electricity consumption in the country has decreased by almost 40%. In April, Kotin had estimated the losses at 35 billion hryvnia.

13 June 2022


At the preparations for Eurovision 2023, a secret location

Ukraine has begun preparations for theEurosivion Song Contest in 2023, despite the continuing fighting in the country. This was stated, on his Telegram channel, by the deputy head of the Office of President Zelensky Kirill Tymoshenko. “The main issue is that of security – explains Tymoshenko – The Ministry of Defense and the Interior have been closely coordinated from the outset in preparatory work”. It is not yet possible to announce the city in which the European singing contest will be held. “We are evaluating various locations – the deputy head of the presidential office reveals – but for security reasons we are not announcing any yet. We are grateful for the support of international partners ”.

13 June 2022


Russian dissident Yashin: “Moscow inhabitants against war”

Most of the inhabitants of Mosca is contrary to the war in Ukraine. To say it is Ilya Yashin, one of the few Russian opponents still at large who has not left the country. “I have the impression that in Moscow, the opponents to war are there majority, we just don’t notice it. The authorities control the media, we are not organized and there is pressure from the police, so we seem less. But my subjective feeling is that the atmosphere in Moscow does not even come close to the militaristic one of 2014, when on every car there were stickers with the words 0Crimea is ours and St. George’s ribbons, “Yashin told the independent Russian site. Meduza, referring to the atmosphere after the Russian occupation of Crimea. The dissident underlines how the symbols of support for the current war appear above all in public places, but are not exhibited by private citizens. I see the letter Z on the facade of the Ferrovia headquarters, he says, “every evening they turn on the light in the windows to form a Z, but this doesn’t happen because people want it, there is someone up there who gave a order“. There are few private cars with the letter Z, they have police cars and institutional vehicles, but even there they follow orders ”, he points out. Former Deputy Mayor of the Krasnoselsky Municipal District in Moscow, Yashin criticizes the war in Ukraine on social media and live on Youtube.

13 June 2022


“Activist arrested for anti-war banner”

The warheads Novaya Gazeta Europa e Jellyfish report that a activist was stopped for the anonymous anti-war banner that appeared yesterday morning in Mosca in front of the headquarters of the Russian Defense Ministry. ‘Today is not my day‘, read the banner created for the Day of Russia, celebrated yesterday. According to the NGO Ovd-Info – always taken from Novaya Gazeta Europa and from Jellyfish – the activist was accused by the Russian authorities of two administrative offenses: “Disobedience to a legitimate order from a police officer “and”repeated violation of the procedure for carrying out a protest action “. Russian troops invaded Ukraine on February 24. The Russian government has since tightened its crackdown on opponents, activists and independent media.

13 June 2022


Mayor Mariupol: “Corpses in the street”

More than one hundred thousand people get trapped in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol occupied by Russian troops. She told the Bbc the mayor of the city Vadym Boichenko. “They don’t have clean water. There is no food, no electricity, no drugs. Hospitals were damaged, doctors were killed. People do not live, survive and fight for food, ”the mayor complained. Boichenko, who left Mariupol, reported that the bodies of many victims still lie in the bombed buildings. “There are many deaths in Mariupol. The Russians did not take away the bodies of the people they killed in the bombing. Many bodies are still under the rubble… According to the doctors, this summer in Mariupol will be horrible, with the risk ”that“ thousands of lives ”could be lost. In recent days, the British defense ministry had warned of the risk of cholera in Mariupol.

13 June 2022


Sweden: “We take Turkey concerns seriously”

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine was a watershed for European security and that Swedishso we decided to enter the Nato. The historical significance is evident, lfarewell to 200 years of neutrality it is not done lightly. But I think it’s the right decision. There Turkey raised some concerns, we are taking them a lot seriously and we are talking together with the Finland“. This was said by Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson. “We want to resolve the situation because we can bring a lot to the Alliance, we will be a constructive and active member”, he added, explaining that the laws against terrorism will be further “strengthened” and a reflection is underway “on arms exports” and this is true. it is a consequence of the objections expressed by Ankara

13 June 2022


“Another mass grave in Bucha”

“Another mass grave found in the Kiev region, near bushing“. This was announced by Andrii Nebytov chief of police in the Kiev region. “Seven people were tortured and killed with a shot in the head. Some of them had their hands tied and shot in the knees ”. “This pit was discovered today, right where the Russian soldiers were stationed, near the village of Myrotské,” which is respectively 10 km north-west of Bucha and 35 km from Kiev on the same axis, he added.

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