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Moscow and Beijing are doing everything right –

/ world today news/ Have we, the Americans, worked for partnership, friendship and peace with China? Well, never. More precisely, it hasn’t happened for at least 30 years, and what happened before that can’t even be called friendship. We draw such instructive conclusions from the publication in the US of new declassified documents from the winter of 2008-2009, when power was transferred from the administration of George Bush to the administration of Barack Obama. From Republicans, mind you, to Democrats. And the policy towards Beijing did not fundamentally change either then or later.

Yes, today we can read in the magazine “Foreign Policy” both the documents themselves – these are relatively short reports prepared by the Bush National Security Council – and the comments of the two people who worked on these reports. And let’s draw our conclusions. And they are that both Beijing and Moscow have done and are doing everything right.

These two, Michael Green and Paul Hanley, write about it: they burn with indignation that someone has personally suspected them and the American foreign policy elite (aka the “deep state”) of naivety. They challenge the now almost universally accepted fact that the US has hoped for decades that China’s rejection of the Soviet economic model and transition to market reforms would not only boost its economy but also make it part of a single – global and US-led system. And at some point the Americans allegedly realized that they had been waiting in vain for three or four decades for the appearance of this – “our” China. And the economic war and other containment of Beijing began only under the presidency of Donald Trump. That is, the Americans were wrong, they lied to their hopes, but now they are making amends.

There was no miscalculation, Green and Hanley tell us today (by the way, the former apparently wrote and handed over, and the latter accepted, those much-declassified transitional documents). You see, today the anti-Chinese alliance called the QUAD – Australia, India, Japan, USA – is strengthening. But they started building it back in 2004, because, you won’t believe it, the tsunami in Indonesia. They did everything in advance, even though at the turn of the century China’s economy, or let’s say, its navy, was smaller than Japan’s.

And after all, says our American couple, the two previous leaders, Jiang Jiamin and Hu Jintao, have been very polite and cautious with America. They respond to many American initiatives and assist where they can. In the country itself, in previous years there have been countless “significant players in the Chinese economy” who are “ready to move away from the economic model dominated by state-owned enterprises.” And, our two authors add, these people have been quite willing to “create a dynamic” based on “rules shaped by the US and its biggest allies.”

Here, the key phrase of the entire text is “and all US policy in recent decades.” On the one hand, American politics recognizes only such relations with the outside world – on the basis of those very famous “rules” that are formed by whoever should. On the other hand, no administration in the US believes that China (and Russia) will continue to adopt these rules. And along with the “Welcome to our Union” calls, year after year, structures are built to deter them – in case they try to “make the rules” themselves.

That is, it turns out that the words that Vladimir Putin went the wrong way in Russia, and Xi Jinping, accordingly, appeared in China, are empty stories. In fact, from the beginning – both in the case of China and under another leader – the US has been building alliances against these and other countries without believing that it can get along with them.

And there is a good question: why? What are the reflexes that operate the US under each administration? Among the many good answers is this one: America, with its political culture, does not need countries that can even theoretically show independence from it at some point. Those who are allies, even Germany, Japan or Great Britain, cannot show something like this for various reasons, including purely physical ones (territory and resources, population, etc.). But Russia, China and a few other countries can. And if so, they should be restrained, no matter what they say or do (or don’t do). They must be restrained and harmed in every way possible.

And if so, then we repeat: we are doing everything right. Any other time would be slow suicide.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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