The global external position, which reflects the asset situation of the Moroccan economy vis-à-vis the rest of the world, shows a net debtor situation of 791.5 billion dirhams (MMDH) at the end of December 2022, against -834, 5 billion dirhams at the end of September 2022, according to the Foreign Exchange Office.
This situation is the result of the decline in outstanding financial liabilities by 32.7 billion dirhams and the increase in outstanding financial assets by 10.3 billion dirhams, the Foreign Exchange Office said in a press release on the results of foreign trade.
The decline in financial commitments is explained by the declines recorded in the outstanding portfolio investments (-14 billion dirhams), direct investments (-13.6 billion dirhams) and the outstanding amount of the “other investments” component (- 5.2 billion dirhams), specifies the same source.
With regard to the increase in the outstanding balance of financial assets, it is mainly due to the increase of 11.7 billion dirhams in the outstanding amount of the “other investments” component and of 2.2 billion dirhams in the outstanding amount of direct investments mitigated by the decline of 3.1 billion dirhams in the stock of reserve assets.
LNT with MAPr
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2023-04-24 14:09:41
#Moroccos #external #position #improving #year