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Morocco: ICESCO creates a chair on “women in science” in Fez

Posted on 05/18/2021 at 2:18 am by APA

The Organization of the Islamic World for Education, Sciences and Culture (ICESCO) and the Euromed University of Fez (UEMF) signed, Monday in Rabat, an agreement for the creation of the ICESCO chair “women in science: artificial intelligence and the future ”within this university establishment, indicates a press release from ICESCO.Signed by Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of ICESCO, and Mostapha Bousmina, President of UEMF, the convention aims to promote scientific research on artificial intelligence and encourage the participation of girls and women in this field through internships, workshops, doctoral theses and the consecration of the culture of prospecting, adds the same source .

According to the head of ISESCO, the creation of this chair is part of the celebration by the organization of the Year of the Woman 2021 as well as it reflects the fruitful cooperation between the Center for Strategic Foresight of ICESCO and UEMF to strengthen the culture of prospecting and encourage the use of artificial intelligence in an ethical and sustainable framework, while ensuring gender equality.

The creation of this chair also reflects the need to strengthen the capacities of young girls, as well as their contribution to the field of artificial intelligence, he added.

For his part, the president of the UEMF stressed that this chair will strengthen the role of the School, created by the University, and completely dedicated to digital engineering and artificial intelligence (EIDIA), the first at the African scale.

This chair, he said, aims to carry out research in the field of artificial intelligence, to attract a large number of students from ICESCO member countries and to promote openness to the world through the conclusion of agreements with centers from different countries.

The chair proposes the development of partnerships at the international level and training in the fields of research, innovation and future professions related to artificial intelligence, through the strengthening of the participation of women researchers, carrying out studies and research forming part of the Chair’s priorities.

It also aims to attract young researchers from ICESCO member countries to develop artificial intelligence algorithms and techniques for the benefit of society, the statement said.

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