Home » today » Business » Morocco Government Adopts Draft Decree to Regulate Aircraft Registration and Mortgage, Aligning with International Aviation Safety Standards

Morocco Government Adopts Draft Decree to Regulate Aircraft Registration and Mortgage, Aligning with International Aviation Safety Standards

The government adopted, last Thursday, a draft decree which aims to regulate the terms of registration, identification, mortgage and forced sale of aircraft. This text, which is part of the implementation of the civil aviation code, promulgated in 2016, aims to harmonize national legislation with international standards in aviation safety.

Draft decree No. 2.23.375, presented by the Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mohamed Abdeljalil, was approved by the Government Council, chaired by the head of government, Aziz Akhannouch. During a press briefing at the end of the Council, the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, government spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, stressed that this text comes in application of the provisions of Law No. 40.13 relating to Civil Aviation Code, in particular Chapters I and III of Title I, relating respectively to the registration and identification of aircraft and to the registration of mortgages and forced sales relating thereto.

The minister specified that this draft decree aims to harmonize national legislation with the Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed in Chicago on December 7, 1944 and ratified by Morocco in 1957. This convention, which has 193 States parties, establishes the principles and general rules governing international air transport. It also includes 19 technical annexes which set standards and recommended practices in different areas, such as air navigation, meteorology, telecommunications, security, safety, environment, etc.

Among these annexes, the seventh concerns nationality marks and aircraft registration. It defines the criteria and procedures to be followed to assign a registration number to each aircraft, which allows it to be identified and its nationality determined. This number must be written in a visible and durable manner on the cabin or wings of the aircraft, as well as on its registration certificate, which must be issued by the competent authority of the State where the aircraft is registered.

A decree to strengthen security and transparency in the aeronautics sector

The draft decree adopted by the government determines the conditions and modalities of registration and identification of aircraft in Morocco, as well as cases of removal from the registration register. It also provides rules relating to the registration of mortgages and the forced sale of aircraft, which are legal operations which make it possible to guarantee the payment of a debt or to realize the value of seized property.

The Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mohamed Abdeljalil, explained that this draft decree aims to strengthen the security and transparency of the aeronautics sector, by facilitating the control and traceability of aircraft, as well as protecting the rights of creditors and buyers. He added that this text takes into consideration the observations raised by the various stakeholders concerned, in particular air operators, manufacturers, banks, insurers, lawyers and experts.

The minister also recalled that the civil aviation code, of which this draft decree is one of the implementing texts, constitutes the legal framework of reference for the development of the aeronautics sector in Morocco. He stressed that this code aims to modernize and adapt national regulations to technological, economic and environmental developments in air transport, as well as to strengthen the competitiveness and attractiveness of Morocco as a regional air hub.

A decree which is part of a process of decarbonizing the sky

The draft decree approved by the government is also part of a process of decarbonization of the sky, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the aeronautics sector, which represent around 2% of global emissions. According to an analysis by the international rating agency S&P, published in January 2024, growth in the civil aviation biofuels market is expected to triple from its 2023 levels to reach 1.875 billion liters, or 1.5 million liters. metric tonnes, in 2024. This level will represent barely 0.53% of aviation fuel needs and 6% of renewable fuel capacity.

Biofuels are fuels produced from renewable sources, such as plants, algae, agricultural waste or used oils. They have the advantage of reducing CO2 emissions from aviation, compared to fossil fuels, while being compatible with current engines. However, they still remain expensive and limited in terms of availability and certification.

Morocco, which ratified the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016, has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 42% by 2030, compared to a reference scenario. The aeronautics sector, which contributes 6% to the national GDP and employs more than 100,000 people, is one of the priority sectors for the energy transition. The country has significant potential for the development of biofuels, particularly from biomass, solar energy or green hydrogen.

The draft decree relating to aircraft approved by the government therefore constitutes an important step in strengthening the regulation, safety and sustainability of the aeronautics sector in Morocco, which aims to become a regional leader and a responsible player in the field. air transport.

2024-02-09 09:54:06
#Aviation #decree #regulate #aircraft

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