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Morning Five, “the girl in the photo is not Denise Pipitone”

Morning Five, the transmission conducted by Federica Panicucci and Francesco Vecchi, he returned to talk about the case of Denise Pipitone, bringing in the photojournalist Michael Biach, author of the photo that went viral on Twitter which portrays a girl resembling the little one who disappeared on September 1st 2004 in Mazara del Vallo.

Biach in collegamento a Morning Five denied that the girl he portrayed could be Denise Pipitone, explaining that “I took the photo in August 2012 and not in 2004. I was working on an article and I took some pictures about the situation of children living in Roma camps in Slovakia.

The shot, made by Michael Biach, was also taken online by the lawyer Frazzitta, lawyer of Piera Maggio. And it had been brought to the attention of the media during the April 12 episode of Afternoon Five, hosted by Barbara D’Urso. The photo seemed to open up new hope in the investigation to find the little girl who would be 21 today.

The case of Denise Pipitone has recently returned to the fore after the appeal launched on televisione russa da Olesya Rostova to find their parents. The enormous similarity between the Russian girl and Denise seemed to lead to a turning point in the mystery of the disappearance of little Pipitone, so much so that request a DNA test to ascertain their identity. But the results, obtained after an unjustified and very long wait, revealed that Olesya is not Denise.

The story proved even more intricate since it seems that the appeal of Olesya Rostova it was just a staging. The girl would be an influencer looking for fame. At least that’s what the producer of the Russian broadcast claimed that, in connection with Domenica Live with Barbara D’Urso he revealed: “Olesya Rostova just wanted to become famous – explained the man, who conducted a web reality in which Rostova participated some time ago -. I wouldn’t care about Olesya, but when I saw he was making up this whole story, I decided I had to talk ”.

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