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morning coffee with EADaily — EADaily — News. News today. World News. Daily News. Latest news. Latest news. News of the hour. News for January 21, 2023. News for 01/21/2023.

What news can there be in a crazy world? For the second week, they are discussing whether to give Ukraine tanks or not. A cancer patient is not treated with massage.

1. “The Russian Embassy in Washington said that the White House’s plans to transfer Russian business assets to Ukraine discredit the United States of America as the notorious “stronghold” of free enterprise.”

The US has long ceased to be a “stronghold” of free enterprise. For many years it has been the most totalitarian of all countries in the world, in which the interests and freedom of the economy are subordinated to ideology and politics.

2. “In the Georgian town of Sagarejo, a former serviceman, standing on a balcony, opened fire on people with automatic weapons. Five people were killed and five others were injured, the country’s interior ministry said. The perpetrator’s motives are still unknown. It is known that until 2021 he served in the Georgian army and took part in the international peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan.”

Typical western peacemaker. And the methods of communication with people are peacemaking. The same peacemaker, like NATO, leading peacekeeping activities.

3. “The former deputy of the German Bundestag, Waldemar Gerdt, said that at the moment the fate of Ukraine is sealed, the country will no longer remain within its original borders. According to him, the whole world will be engaged in the restoration of Ukraine, and, most likely, it will also be divided by the entire world community.”

As soon as the prefix “ex” appears in positions and titles of Western politicians and generals, they begin to see clearly and begin to tell the truth. The horror is that before they receive the honorary title of “ex” they manage to do such a thing …

4. “The head of the Ukrainian state, during an online speech at the Eastern Economic Forum, in particular, suggested that the crash near a kindergarten in Brovary, Kyiv region, of a helicopter with the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was not an “accident”, but the result of a Russian special operation.”

I am even ashamed to call myself a seer, because I wrote about this before Zelya’s speech, because such a conclusion of a clown lay on the surface. But the most important thing is that none of his associates supported him, because this is the version for the West.

5. “The press service of the FSB department for the Belgorod region reported that smuggling of military products from the territory of Ukraine was stopped in the region.”

So the smuggler should not be arrested, but given a medal. I bought military equipment from Ukraine for 50 million. And those do not care who to sell. The main thing is to grab.

6. “US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin at a meeting of representatives of NATO countries: “Therefore, we will not give up and will not waver in our determination to help Ukraine defend itself from Russian imperialist aggression.”

Yes, he is a communist! It simply repeats word for word the slogan from the party congresses of the CPSU: “The policy of the USSR is the policy of fighting for peace, against imperialist aggression.” Now it turns out that Russia is imperialism and NATO is socialism. And the United States, one must understand, is a communist country.

7. “US Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan decided that the inhabitants of the republic do not need direct flights to Russia to be restored. She told reporters about it.”

Here is another “independent state”, in which the ambassador of another power decides with whom the host country should establish air links. All in the spirit of American democracy.

8. “The European Union and the EU countries have jointly allocated 10 billion euros in military assistance to Ukraine, the total amount of assistance, including humanitarian, is approaching 50 billion euros, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said on Friday.”

Sometimes the question arises – what would Europe have been doing in the last year if there had been no Ukrainian issue? Or are there no problems in Europe, except for Ukraine? But how did Europe live before?

9. “Dutch Defense Minister Kaisa Ollongren said that this year the kingdom plans to train two batches of Ukrainian recruits, 200 people each, under the Interflex program. The instructors will be 65 Dutch Marines.”

What kind of students are stupid if there is one instructor for three trainees! And in general: “The doctor asks:“ Did the patient sweat before death? – Sweated. -It’s good”.

10. “German Marder infantry fighting vehicles are considered easy to operate vehicles, but their maintenance and repair can be a problem for Ukraine. Der Spiegel reports.

Easy for whom? If, in my head, apart from “Ukraine needs everything!” and “Our Father – Bandera” is nothing, then even unscrewing a screw is a difficulty.

11. “In Kirkenes, Norway, two Russian sailors were fined for working uniforms with the country’s flag, which allegedly could “create discomfort” for local residents and refugees from Ukraine. This is reported by Dagbladet. The police of Kirkenes launched a check, as the clothes allegedly “could be mistaken for a military uniform.”

A frightened crow is afraid of a bush. Mistaking work clothes for military uniforms… What will happen to them if they really see the Russian military? Let them walk around with toilet paper in their pockets. Heroes! And glory to them!

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