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morning coffee with EADaily – EADaily – News. News today. News from the world. Daily News. Last news. Latest news. News of the hour. News for October 6, 2022. News for 6.60.2022.

The news will be. Not today, tomorrow, but they will. The good ones. Meanwhile … What is it.

1. In the European Union (EU), the number of residents supporting the Kiev regime in its war with the country’s Russian population and the conflict with Russia continues to decline, although they still remain the majority, according to Bertelsmann’s Eupinions Survey. Foundation, whose data was published by Deutsche Welle (foreign media recognized as a foreign agent).

If Deutsche Welle itself stopped lying, stopped taking a unilateral stance, it would be a bit objective, then the number of supporters of the junta would decrease several times.

2. British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced at a hearing of Israeli supporters that she is a “great Zionist” and wants to strengthen London’s relations with Tel Aviv, reports The New Arab.

You are a fool, God forgive me, and not a Zionist.

3. The Russian side can provide security guarantees for international observers, Red Cross and UN experts visiting Yelenovka to investigate the circumstances of its bombing, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin said.

Socrates also said: “Whoever wants – looks for a way, who doesn’t want – looks for a reason”. The “experts” from the United Nations and the IWC want to investigate the crimes of the Ukrainian armed forces as much as I want to dance right now.

4. 11 countries supported Ukraine’s application to join NATO, said Vladimir Zelensky’s office head Andriy Yermak – the application was supported by Canada, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia , Latvia, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia.

10 out of 11 are NATO freeloaders who produce nothing on their own, cannot do anything on their own, but only use NATO military might. Powerless asking for rape.

5. Russian President Vladimir Putin was called the “President of Ukraine” on the Polish TV channel Polsat, a video with corresponding captions is actively distributed on social networks, reports the Shot Telegram channel. “Vladimir Putin is the president of Ukraine” – such a caption was given on Polish television during the speech of the Russian leader.

A Freudian slip, or what the intelligent man has in mind, the Poles have on their tongue.

6. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID, recognized as an undesirable organization in the Russian Federation) intends to increase the budget for the Central Asian trade measures program by $ 15.2 million. renounce dependence ”on Russia. The project will be distributed in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

And become dependent on the United States, which is looking for a replacement for Afghanistan. As for finances, I note that the volume of trade with Uzbekistan alone is 6 billion dollars.

7. US intelligence agencies believe that some members of the Ukrainian government are behind the murder of Darya Dugin, daughter of the famous philosopher Alexander Dugin. The New York Times writes about it. As stated in the report released to the White House, Kiev has not coordinated the attack on Dugin with Washington. In the United States, they didn’t know about the operation at all.

Those. The US authorities confirm that they are responsible for all military operations in Ukraine. And all the terrorist actions of Ukraine are the result of the actions of the United States. So who is the terrorist state?

8. German Federal Economy Minister Robert Habek blamed the high prices of liquefied natural gas from unscrupulous suppliers in the EU and the US, reports Die Welt. According to the officer, Germany’s officially friendly countries often play against Berlin in the fuel market.

This is European and American solidarity: why be surprised. The female praying mantis after mating eats the partner’s head. The first phase has passed in the EU: the United States has already fucked them, it’s time to bite their heads.

9. Bulgaria has decided to withdraw Russian automotive fuel suppliers from sanctions by the end of 2024. This is due to the difficult fuel situation in the country, the government press service said following a cabinet meeting: ” It is allowed to conclude new government contracts and framework agreements with automotive fuel suppliers of the Russian Federation after 10 October 2022 “.

If you can’t, but you really want to do it, then you can. And it will continue. Now the EU will no longer include Russian ALROSA diamond mining in the next sanctions package. Diamonds are absolutely necessary … Where would the West be without diamonds?

10. The US State Department plans to find a company to help monitor and evaluate how Kiev spends financial aid from Washington. The corresponding question is published by the State Department on the government portal.

Seeking firefighters
Looking for the police
I’m looking for senators
In their capital
Looking for a long time
But they can’t find it.
Who stole the money
On the dill.

11. Reuters, citing sources, reports that the OPEC + monitoring committee has agreed on a daily reduction in oil production of 2 million barrels.

So the answer came to the absurdity invented by the EU under the name of “oil price ceiling”. No, Biden shouldn’t have insulted the Arab prince. The Arab mentality must be known and respected.

12. The United States increased imports of goods from Russia in August to $ 522.1 million, for the first time since April 2022, according to the country’s Census Bureau website.

Meanwhile, EU fools are cutting all ties with Russia. Ultimately, Europe, which is called the “old lady”, will have a situation:

“Look: always in front of him is a pirogue;
On the threshold sits his old woman,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

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